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Subject: BCM Teleconference Minutes: 3 April 2006



Minutes-OASIS, Business Centric Methodology (BCM)

Technical Committee

Meeting via Teleconference call on 3 April 2006


Mike Lubash called the meeting to order at 13:00 PM and opened the meeting with roll-call, which began with the following participants: 


Mike Lubash, Carl Mattocks, Neil Wasserman, and David Webber.

Regrets:  Sally St. Amand, Eric Okin, Hans Aansen.


Meeting Agenda:


1.  Because our next teleconference was schedule around the Easter/Passover holidays, a majority of the members would not be able to make the teleconference.  As a result, the 17 April teleconference is cancelled.  The next BCM teleconference will be 1 May.


2.  Voting on BCM v1.0 as OASIS Standard.  The BCM received 75 votes during the balloting period, 74 yes and 1 no.  There were sufficient affirmative votes to approve the specification.  However, because of the one negative vote; we must proceed as outlined in the OASIS TC process.  Because the no voter did not include any comments or explanation, and did not responds to our inquiry, there is no action we can take but to move on in the approval process.


3.  The BCM TC will request the Manager of TC Administration (Mary McRae) to set up a special majority ballot to re-affirm the BCM as an OASIS standard.


4.  Mike will re-schedule the BAH guess introduction to a meeting in May.


5.  CheckMi will provide a presentation on the BCM Markup Language (BCML) at the 1 May meeting.


The meeting was adorned.


Prepared by Mike Lubash, BCM TC Co-Chair.


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