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Subject: Christmas Season's Greetings from EPR-forum Norway
We wish you all a peaceful Christmas season here
from Norway and let's hope that 2007 will give us more implementation
progress !
Here you will be able to enjoy some nice
turist films from the Vågå area where the first PSQA
small scale production test pilot hopefully will take place:
High quality films (700+ kps) - english
version (requires flash)
Low quality films (360 kps) - english version (requires flash) Best regards
Hans A. Kielland Aanesen Senior Adviser Web services M.Sc. Engineering Cybernetics/ Business Economist Mobile: +47 40291180 Address: Storkenebbveien 21, 0860 Oslo, Norway Co-founder EPR-forum and PSQA alliance (Public
Supervision & Quality Assurance)
www.eprforum.org www.eprforum.no Co-chair OASIS BCM-EPR SC
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=bcm-epr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OASIS BCM has been an international SOA standard opening up an enormous potential of new services http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis-news-2006-05-03.php |
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