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Subject: Fwd: [ebxml-dev] ebXML Messaging in the Netherlands government; first application in exchange of energy label information

This profile seems to offer a good base for a BCM Template

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pim van der Eijk <lists@sonnenglanz.net>
Date: Jan 28, 2008 7:50 AM
Subject: [ebxml-dev] ebXML Messaging in the Netherlands government; first application in exchange of energy label information
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org


In the Netherlands, a profile of ebXML Messaging 2.0 has been developed and
selected for interchange of information among government agencies. This
profile is documented using the ebXML IIC "deployment template". It is now
published online at:

A first application to use these specifications is the exchange of "energy
labels". The Netherlands government has taken a number of measures to
transpose the the EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings
(EPBD). It instituted a building labelling scheme designed to encourage
property buyers to choose property using relatively less fossil energy -
either through integrated renewable energy generation or the building's
energy efficiency. This scheme was further reviewed in 2007, such that from
1 January 2008, it is compulsory for energy labels to be produced during the
construction, sale or lease of residential and non-residential buildings.
This label offers the new users information about the building's energy

Energy labels are assigned by certified organizations, and registered by an
organization called SenterNovem. SenterNovem uses ebXML messaging to
transfer this information to the national land registry, which in turn
publishes this information via a portal to organizations in the real estate

Chair OASIS Business Centric Methodology TC
co-Chair OASIS (ISO/TS 15000) ebXMLRegistry Semantic Content SC
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