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Subject: Re: Management of CEA-721
Hi Ken, Regarding SOA superstructures handling Environmental control by UDDI XML modeling technique (mirroring process) the consortium is considering 2 BUS-related standards: A) KNX standard (EN 50090,ISO/IEC 14543). The KNX standard is administered by the Konnex Association that has merged the 3 Bus standards: 1) The European Home Systems Protocol (EHS), 2) BatiBUS, 3) The European Installation Bus (EIB) B) ANSI/CEA-721 standard as you know are handling the functional level on a more open way, that is the reason I have recommend this standard for the Norwegian Authorities( NAV , DIFI etc) and further into EU projects. We have organized the modeling in 2 important areas where CEA-721 will be in point 2( unfortunately the links are in Norwegian, but the figures you know) As you know an open not for profit standardization organization like OASIS, ANSI/CEA etc that has specified open standards can not commercialize software products based on the standards it self.( In such a case it would be an interest conflict regarding involved companies as we already have seen by many examples over the last years). Talking about common "traffic rules" in a global perspective regarding interoperating SOA superstructures attached to many underlying legacy and expert systems in the years to come, we need neutral "instruments" handled by the common society to make fair competition among all vendors dealing with system integration not dominated by a single or few dominating vendors as today. EPR-forum dealing with super structures using a real SOA based eFolder engine need an open and quality assured XML-based template processing software in open source.( In general eFolder engine based on the OASIS BCM and CAM standards through OASIS BCM-EPR SC ) . Because of this we have established the EPR-forum handling different application areas making open source XML-based software available for mutual interest. We have involved several Norwegian Authorities and technology neutral institutions and universities as mentioned in earlier mails. The CEA-721 part could be an important contribution to the interoperable SOA approch regarding environmental process control and condition monitoring. We are also in dialogs with several BUS-forums to open up for the needed device mirroring process through semantic webservices technology. ( UDDI, WSDL, SOAP) The HealthCare project in Drammen with 16 County driven flats for elderly people (mainly dementia patients) is starting up early next year and we are already planning next step in Oslo in the project called Omsorg+ (Care+) involving several suppliers with different BUS-technologies. The further work on CEA-721 into XML conversion will be handled by OASIS BCM-EPR SC and the EPR-forum. standardization. Hope this is enough information so far Ken ? BR Hans Kenneth P Wacks skrev: October 9, 2009 Hi Hans, I received an inquiry from the chairman of the CEA committee that manages ANSI/CEA-721, Generic CAL. He asked, "What is the status of another organization adopting maintenance of the CEA standards?" As I explained on September 21, the CEA will be voting on October 20 whether to continue ANSI/CEA-721. Therefore, I would appreciate your providing the following information as soon as possible. 1. What is the name of the Norwegian organization that will accept the CEA offer to manage ANSI/CEA-721? 2. When will this organization be ready to accept the transfer of responsibility from the CEA? Your answers may help prevent cancellation of the standard during the transition to management by your organization. I look forward to working with you as your project develops. Sincerely, Ken ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Kenneth Wacks Home, Building, & Utility Systems 9 Pinewood Road Stoneham, Massachusetts 02180, USA Tel: +1 781 662-6211 Fax: +1 781 665-4311 E-mail: kenn@alum.mit.edu Website: www.kenwacks.com Chair, Editorial Advisory Board, CABA "iHomes & Buildings" Convener, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25/WG1, "Home Electronic System" Co-chair, NIST Home-to-Grid Domain Expert Working Group Member, GridWise Architecture Council, U.S. Department of Energy ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
Hans A. Kielland Aanesen Senior Adviser Semantic Web services IT & Integration AS www.iti.as M.Sc. Engineering Cybernetics/ Business Economist Mobile: +47 40291180 Address: Storkenebbveien 21, 0860 Oslo, Norway Co-founder EPR-forum and PSQA alliance (Public Supervision & Quality Assurance) www.eprforum.org www.eprforum.no Co-chair OASIS BCM-EPR SC http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=bcm-epr Contributor and voting member in OASIS BCM and CAM TC http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=bcm http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=cam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OASIS BCM and CAM has been international SOA standards opening up an enormous potential of new services http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis-news-2006-05-03.php http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis-news-2007-06-19.php |
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