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Subject: 25. April 2012 OASIS BCM TC meeting report


25. April 2012 OASIS BCM TC meeting report

1. Revitalization of the OASIS BCM TC
2. Election of Chair and secretary
3. Relation to OASIS eGov MS and EPR-forum
3. Further progress

Carl Mattocks
Geir Lahnstein
Hans Aanesen
David Webber ( not present, but involved by individual discussions)

1. Revitalization of the OASIS BCM TC
The OASIS Templating work has so far been mostly focused on the OASIS CAM TC work regarding promoting CAM tools and the CAMV-editor.
The OASIS BCM TC committee members has also heavily been involved in the  OASIS TGF TC, and EPR-forum work dealing with the new eGov 2.0 by the eGov transformation to a more service and citizen centric approach. Now time has come to organizing the templating work into reusable Templates.
EPR-forum ( as a social entrepreneurship ) has started a process to make two types and related Templates in the Health Care public sector in Norway:
  • EPR-eFolder Templates handling Citizen centric Service management
  • EPR-eDevice Templates handling Condition monitoring management

These further Templating specification work should be part of the OASIS BCM TC work and its Sub committees

2. Election of Chair and secretary
Agrreed upon extending the previous chair position of  Carl Mattocks
As secretary  Hans Aanesen was elected

3. Relation to OASIS eGov MS and EPR-forum
As todays drivers in ICT development are the consumers and the Cloud transformation technology along withtransformation in public sector to a citizen centric and services driven approach our OASIS BCM TC need close relation to OASIS eGov MS at it's OASIS TGF TC work. To handle the Cloud computing and the needed Templating superstructure open source development EPR-forum need to finance and make deliveries in this approach. EPR-forum is promoting this work heavely to the Norwegian Authoreties these days.

3. Further progress
So far all OASIS BCM and TGF work been done is made by unpaid and volunteered resources because of the enormous impact such solutions will have on our societies in the years to come. We agreed upon working on getting public sponsored projects and  charitable organizations involved specially because of the ongoing Health care and interaction reforms going on in the industrial countries all over the world. 
The intension is also to have EPR-forum as a social entrepreneurship forum as sponsoring member for OASIS when succeeding in general sponsoring resources.
We would try to set up monthly meetings in 2012


Best regards

Hans A. Kielland Aanesen

(M.Sc. Engineering Cybernetics/ Business Economist )

CEO IT & Integration AS        hans@iti.as

CEO EPR-forum                    hans@eprforum.no

Senior Advisor Transformational Government Framework (TGF and eGov 2.0)
Advancing an overall framework for using IT to improve the delivery of Public and Private services
Mobile: +47 40291180
Member of
Co-founder of
EPR-forum  and the PSQA alliance (Public Supervision & Quality Assurance)
Contributor and voting member
OASIS BCM and CAM has been international SOA standards opening up an enormous potential of new services

Norwegian SOA driven projects: ?Arena Helseinnovasjon?(Vitheia AS) and ?Mulighetenes Eldreomsorg?(EPR-forum)

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