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Subject: Re: [bdxr] [OASIS Issue Tracker] (BDXR-23) Missing sample implementations

This appendix is from Dale Moberg's demo. There is ZIP file in an email that he posted to the TC mailing list (don't remember the link but it should be quick to find) that maybe has more complete data. That ZIP file should have been added to the document publication set, as hinted by "zipped package accompanying this specification".Â

Basically, that demo is for a Web page, and as _javascript_ does not have DNS client support (or at least it didn't at the time), he added a Node.js server to handle HTTP form requests, issue the DNS requests, return any NAPTR records in a JSON notation.

Not sure what is "lacking" about the shell script implementation (also from Dale). It just shows that BDXR clients are simply DNS clients, dig is the Linux shell command to query DNS and awk is used to format the output.

An alternative and slightly more elaborate demo/proof-of-concept implementation is the one I did for e-CODEX, it's at

Some documentation of it is at:

The SMP and CPP samples used in the demo are from the old drafts. The Holodeck P-Mode format referenced is the P-Mode format of the old Fujitsu-developed Holodeck.

On 24-02-2020 08:50, OASIS Issues Tracker wrote:
     [ https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/BDXR-23?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Erlend Klakegg Bergheim updated BDXR-23:
    Affects Version/s: Locator 1.0

Missing sample implementations

                Key: BDXR-23
                URL: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/BDXR-23
            Project: OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC
         Issue Type: Improvement
         Components: Documentation
   Affects Versions: Locator 1.0
           Reporter: Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
           Priority: Minor

BDXL 1.0 Appendix B informs about to sample implementations (_javascript_ and shell) in a zipped package accompanying the specification.
The _javascript_ sample is provided, however not enough library information is provided to test the code.
The shell implementation is simply lacking.

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