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Subject: AW: [bpel4people-editors] AW: RE: [bpel4people] RETURNING THEEDITING PEN

Yes, I can submit the issue and will include a proposal for it. I will complete this today.



Ivana Trickovic
Standards Architect 
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf, Germany
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Dieter Koenig1 [mailto:dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009 21:35
An: Trickovic, Ivana
Cc: 'bpel4people-editors@lists.oasis-open.org'; 'ings@ca.ibm.com'; 'luc.clement@activevos.com'
Betreff: Fw: [bpel4people-editors] AW: RE: [bpel4people] RETURNING THE EDITING PEN

Ok, now I am really done -- SVN is now at revision 156.

@Ivana: how about this follow-up for BP-127: would you mind submitting an
issue about the uniqueness of the @name attribute in
startDeadline/completionDeadline elements within a task definition? As a
resolution proposal, we might just add a sentence to the fourth paragraph
of section 4.9, that is, change from:

"The element <deadlines> is used to include the definition of all deadlines
within the task definition. It is optional. If present then the
WS-HumanTask Definition MUST specify at least one deadline. Deadlines
defined in ad-hoc sub tasks created at runtime MUST NOT contradict the
deadlines of their parent task."


"The element <deadlines> is used to include the definition of all deadlines
within the task definition. It is optional. If present then the
WS-HumanTask Definition MUST specify at least one deadline. Deadlines
defined in ad-hoc sub tasks created at runtime MUST NOT contradict the
deadlines of their parent task. The value of the name attribute MUST be
unique for all deadline specifications within a task definition."

IMO, this sentence can be added in the next TC call in parallel to
approving all other changes. This way, the resolution could become part of
the public review draft as well.

Kind Regards

Dieter König

Senior Technical Staff Member, WebSphere Process Server Architect
IBM Software Group, Application and Integration Middleware Software
WSS Business Process Solutions
  Phone:            +49-7031-16-3426           IBM Deutschland                      (Embedded 
                                                                                  image moved 
                                                                                     to file: 
  E-Mail:           dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com    Schönaicher Str. 220                           
                                               71032 Böblingen                                
  IBM Deutschland                                                                             
  Research &                                                                                  
  GmbH /                                                                                      
  Vorsitzender des                                                                            
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----- Forwarded by Dieter Koenig1/Germany/IBM on 23.10.2009 21:21 -----.
  From:       Dieter Koenig1/Germany/IBM@IBMDE                                                                                         
  To:         "Trickovic, Ivana" <ivana.trickovic@sap.com>                                                                             
  Cc:         "'bpel4people-editors@lists.oasis-open.org'" <bpel4people-editors@lists.oasis-open.org>, "'ings@ca.ibm.com'"             
              <ings@ca.ibm.com>, "'luc.clement@activevos.com'" <luc.clement@activevos.com>                                             
  Date:       23.10.2009 21:15                                                                                                         
  Subject:    Re: [bpel4people-editors] AW: RE: [bpel4people] RETURNING THE EDITING PEN                                                

Hi again, I just noticed that the name attribute is still missing in a
syntax snippet in the spec. Will fix that and send another mail when I'm
done ...

Kind Regards

Dieter König

Senior Technical Staff Member, WebSphere Process Server Architect
IBM Software Group, Application and Integration Middleware Software
WSS Business Process Solutions

  Phone:            +49-7031-16-3426           IBM Deutschland
image moved
to file:

  E-Mail:           dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com    Schönaicher Str. 220

                                               71032 Böblingen


  IBM Deutschland

  Research &


  GmbH /

  Vorsitzender des


  Martin Jetter


  Erich Baier

  Sitz der


  Böblingen /



  Stuttgart, HRB


  From:       "Trickovic, Ivana" <ivana.trickovic@sap.com>

  To:         "'luc.clement@activevos.com'" <luc.clement@activevos.com>,
Dieter Koenig1/Germany/IBM@IBMDE

  Cc:         "'ings@ca.ibm.com'" <ings@ca.ibm.com>,


  Date:       23.10.2009 18:34

  Subject:    [bpel4people-editors] AW: RE: [bpel4people] RETURNING THE

Congratulations from my side :-)

@Luc: I will check the spec text.
My comments were related to issue BP-127.



----- Originalnachricht -----
Von: Luc Clément <luc.clement@activevos.com>
An: Dieter Koenig1 <dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com>; Trickovic, Ivana
Cc: Dave Ings <ings@ca.ibm.com>; bpel4people-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Gesendet: Fri Oct 23 18:19:28 2009
Betreff: RE: [bpel4people] RETURNING THE EDITING PEN

Congratulations all and special thanks to Dieter for taking us across the
finish line.

I'll package up Rev155 as suggested over the weekend.

Ivana: Regarding the issue you raised with BP-82, could you please review
rev155 and provide feedback whether we need additional normative text.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dieter Koenig1 [?mailto:dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com]
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 10:14
To: bpel4people-editors@lists.oasis-open.org; Luc Clément
Cc: Dave Ings
Subject: [bpel4people] RETURNING THE EDITING PEN
Importance: High

Dear B4P + WS-HT Editing Team !

I am done with editing for the remaining open issues 82, 127, 128, 129 --
another milestone :-)

====> Luc: these issues may be marked "Applied" in Jira.

In preparation for the CD approval and the Public Review, I also made the
following changes:
-- Added a copyright and a documentation element to all XML artifacts
-- Copied all XML artifacts back to appendix sections of the two

This is now SVN revision 155:
-- WS-HumanTask 1.1 is now CD 05 revision 10
-- BPEL4People 1.1 is now CD 05 revision 3

====> Luc: would you prepare a REVIEW PACKAGE "BPEL4People\Specifications
\Snapshots\rev155.zip" in SVN and send it to the TC?

The TC may then review the changes and approve the specifications as
"Committee Draft 06 and Public Review Draft 01".

The title/URL/date changes on the title page and the running footer, and
the accepts of the editing changes are the next editing steps.

Before publishing, at least the Conformance sections (WS-HT 12 and B4P 8)
remain to be added.

The resulting artifacts may then go to SVN as "BPEL4People\Specifications

Kind Regards

Dieter König

Senior Technical Staff Member, WebSphere Process Server Architect IBM
Software Group, Application and Integration Middleware Software WSS
Business Process Solutions

  Phone:            +49-7031-16-3426           IBM Deutschland
image moved
to file:

  E-Mail:           dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com    Schönaicher Str. 220

                                               71032 Böblingen


  IBM Deutschland

  Research &


  GmbH /

  Vorsitzender des


  Martin Jetter


  Erich Baier

  Sitz der


  Böblingen /



  Stuttgart, HRB


(See attached file: pic26594.gif)
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