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Subject: Fw: Current BPEL4People TC Voting List - FYI

Typo: Krasimir and Sean were absent on 6/23 not 7/28 (which is the scheduled date of the next TC).

Regards, Dave Ings,
Emerging Software Standards
Email: ings@ca.ibm.com
Yahoo Messenger: dave_ings
----- Forwarded by Dave Ings/Toronto/IBM on 2010/07/13 10:40 AM -----

From: Dave Ings/Toronto/IBM
To: bpel4people@lists.oasis-open.org
Date: 2010/07/13 10:39 AM
Subject: Current BPEL4People TC Voting List - FYI

Given the forthcoming Web ballots I thought it would be appropriate to reiterate the current TC voting list. Note that there were some changes to the voting list as of the end of the last TC as per the minutes


Here is the current voting list. If there are any questions please let me know.

Phillip Allen
Justin Brunt
Martin Chapman
Luc Clement
Alireza Farhoush
Sean Gabriel
Dave Ings
Gershon Janssen
Matthias Kloppmann
Dieter Koenig
Krasimir Nedkov
Gerhard Pfau
Ravi Rangaswamy
Michael Rowley
Ivana Trickovic

P.S. Note that Krasimir and Sean must attend the next TC in order to maintain their voting rights (they were absent on 7/28).
P.P.S. As a reminder TC voting members are entitled to request a LOA if they know they will be away for (say) summer holidays.

Regards, Dave Ings,
Emerging Software Standards
Email: ings@ca.ibm.com
Yahoo Messenger: dave_ings

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