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Subject: F2f meeting

Dear all,

Just to let you know that you're going to have the use cases document in
your mailbox before Thursday's conference call, as agreed at the f2f
last week.

> On the Use Cases front we agreed to emphasize the fact that
> we are trying to coordinate web services with this protocol. 
> We decided to get back "The coordinating web services" use 
> case, which was previously discarded. Savvas will publish an 
> updated use case document.

It seems that Pal's notes do not agree with mine (yes, I am still
causing problems:-) I got the impression that we agreed on
re-introducing the "arranging a meeting" use case and not the
"coordinating web services" one. Can anyone else clarify this?

Best regards,

Dr. Savas Parastatidis
Senior Software Engineer - HP Arjuna Labs

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