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Subject: Feedback: Groups - CESTC Distributed Ledger Whitepaper v2 uploaded

TC Members,

The overall presentation looks good. Based on the partnerships identified within the document, it doesn't look like I've contributed much to the latest rendition.  I do, however, have a few questions about the TC's mission that I hope you'll find of value.

1. Is the scope of the TC's mission to deliver a block chain solution designed to enable frictionless partner relationships? The words "shared ledger" is included in the Introduction, but unless the reader is wired into the conversation, it wasn't clear to me that that was the mission.

2.  Regarding "frictionless partner relationships", does the TC's mission consider supplier resource constraints with respect to the production and delivery of goods and services within expected timeframes/schedules?  If so, this wasn't clear to me.

3.  Is dynamic partner sourcing part of the TC's mission?  In other words, when a partner supplier is unable to meet a customer's expected delivery schedule(s) for a good or service, will the TC's API enable the customer to dynamically source the desired good or service through alternative partner suppliers?


Jim Price

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