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cgmo-webcgm message

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Subject: Action Item completed


  This email completes an action item (Benoit to send an example to be
  inserted in specification).

  Like I said before, it would be great if the specification had many
  more examples (since the test suite is not part of the
  specification - and shouldn't be). In the attachment, I have a
  simple example of how to use a method of the WebCGMPicture
  interface. In my opinion, it would be good to include this example
  in two different ways in the spec:

  1) we include the HTML code into the WebCGMPicture section of the
  2) we link from the spec to this HTML example (with a _blank for
  behavior). This would allow readers with WebCGM 2.0 plugins to try
  out some of our examples.


 Benoit                 mailto:benoit@itedo.com
Title: Example, WebCGMPicture interface
Example, WebCGMPicture interface


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