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Subject: IPR Transition Approval Notification: CGM Open WebCGM TC

To:  TC Qualified Members of the OASIS CGM Open WebCGM TC
cc:  Other TC members

     The OASIS CGM Open WebCGM TC has conducted a Transition Approval 
Ballot under the rules provided by the OASIS IPR Transition Policy [1]. 
The ballot results are visible to OASIS members at [2]. The ballot to 
apply the current (2005) OASIS IPR Policy to the TC's operations, and 
adopt the "RF on Limited Terms" IPR mode, was APPROVED.  As a result, 
the TC will start operating under that policy and mode on 14 October 
2005, which is 14 days from the date of this notice.  That date will 
be the TC's Transition Effective Date under the IPR Transition Policy.  
This message is your Approval Notification under that policy.

     Please note:
     1.  Any members of the TC who have not signed the current Membership 
Agreement by that date will be deemed withdrawn from TC membership on the 
TC Transition Effective Date. If you have not yet signed the agreement, 
and have questions or would like assistance, please contact my colleague 
Scott McGrath, our Director of Member Services, who is copied on this message.
     2.  The obligations of OASIS members who serve as TC members under the 
2005 OASIS IPR Policy [3] are different, in some ways, from those under the 
prior policy. Please review the 2005 policy so that you are clear about 
the licensing and disclosure obligations associated with the TC after the 
TC Transition Effective Date.
     3.  OASIS staff will announce the TC Transition Effective Date and the 
TC's new IPR Mode to members in the same manner as a charter amendment.



Mary P McRae
Manager of TC Administration, OASIS

[1] http://www.oasis-open.org/who/ipr/ipr-transition-policy-2005-01-20.php
[2] http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/voting/ballot.php?id=837
[3] http://www.oasis-open.org/who/intellectualproperty.php

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