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Subject: TS help: interpolated interior

I need help to finish producing an Interpolated Interior 
metafile.  Attached is a clear text version, but there is a bug in my 
'cgmconv' tool -- it won't convert the element.  Therefore I can't get 
binary.  (Also there's a bug with InterpInt in MetaWiz, so I can't go that 

If you can convert it, please let me know.

If you can't convert, but your editor can generate interpolated interior, I 
have also attached the binary.  The InterpInt should be before the Rect 
(250,250)(750,750) -- you will see in the CTX file.  It is a simple ramp 
from white in lower-left corner to black in upper-right corner.

If you think this test is too plain and boring, feel free to generate a 
different one.

Any case, let me know if you can help.

BegMF "interpolated-interior-01";
MFVersion 3;
 '"ProfileId:WebCGM""ProfileEd:2.0""ColourClass:monochrome""Source:CGM Open/NIST""Date:20060404"';
VDCType integer;
IntegerPrec -32768 32767;
RealPrec -170141183460469230000000000000000000000.0 
170141183460469230000000000000000000000.0 7;
IndexPrec -32768 32767;
ColrPrec 65535;
ColrIndexPrec 65535;
MaxColrIndex 1;
ColrValueExt 0 0 0 255 255 255;
FontList "Helvetica" "Helvetica-Bold" "Times-Roman";
CharSetList std94 "B" std96 "A";
CharCoding basic8bit;
BegPic "picture 1";
ScaleMode metric 0.1000000014901161;
ColrMode indexed;
LineWidthMode abs;
MarkerSizeMode abs;
EdgeWidthMode abs;
VDCExt 0 0 1000 1000;
ColrTable 0 255 255 255;
BackColr 255 255 
ColrTable 0 255 255 255 0 0 0;
TextPrec stroke;
CharHeight 20;
CharOri 0 1 1 0;
LineWidth 1;
EdgeWidth 1;
EdgeVis on;

IntStyle interp;
FillRefPt 250 250;
500 500
0 1;

Rect 250 250 750 750;
CharHeight 19;
RestrTextType 2;
CharHeight 15;
RestrText 414 15 510 78 final "CGMopen/NIST WebCGM Viewer Test Suite";
RestrText 118 15 510 45 final "ProfileEd 2.0";
RestrText 235 15 740 45 final "Release 0.9,  2006-04-08";
CharHeight 10;
RestrText 38 10 880 13 final "Serial:";
TextAlign right normvert 0.0 0.0;
RestrText 38 10 980 13 final "00005";
CharHeight 15;
TextAlign normhoriz normvert 0.0 0.0;
Text 510 13 final "interpolated-interior-01";
Line 2 3 2 997 998 997 998 3 2 3;
Line 500 6 500 104 990 104 990 6 500 6;
Line 500 39 990 39;
Line 500 71 990 71;
Line 730 39 730 71;
Line 875 6 875 39;


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