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Subject: UL Test Review Results

Hi All,


Attached to this mail you will find my complete test review results for the 14 tests that are assigned to me (2 tests are pending).


I checked against the categories “CGM Syntax Check”, “HTML Syntax Check”, “Visual Check” and “WebCGM Syntax Check”.  These categories are explained in detail within the attached text file.




1) For the "CGM Syntax Check" I ran the command "metachek -r webcgm ...".  Looking at the errors I skipped the following cases:

- ProfileEd 1.0
- ColourClass (case sensitivity)
- dash gap list limitation
- use of interactivity attribute

If only these errors appeared I marked "No Errors", if other errors showed up I marked "Errors Present".  Some of those remaining errors are related to the Font Properties support missing in CGMConvert.

2) For the "HTML Syntax Check" I ran the HTML files through the W3C validator service (http://validator.w3.org/check).  All files contained errors.

3) For the "Visual Check" I launched the test files in IE (& MetaWeb) and looked for deviations between the display in MetaWeb (if functionality is supported) and the sample image.  I also looked for typos and general appearance.  In case problems occurred I described them, otherwise I stated "No Problems".

4) For the "WebCGM Syntax Check" I looked at the specific calls in the HTML pages executing the WebCGM 2.1 functionality under test, as well as the WebCGM test case specific rules (description etc).  In case problems occurred I described them, otherwise I stated "No Comments".


CGM Syntax Check    - Errors Present
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - Typo: "restricted text elelment" should be "restricted text element"
WebCGM Syntax Check - I have one question regarding all .aci test cases. In the spec we leave open how to associate a .aci file with the source CGM. What rule do the .aci test cases follow, i.e. how would a viewer know to associate the .aci files in the test cases with the CGM? Should a description be put in here?


CGM Syntax Check    - Errors Present
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - Description Unclear: "The default Mitre Limit in the displayed (?) should (be ?) replaced with the value 5 (1 ?). The image on the right shows the CGM rendered with the Metafile default for Mitre Limit."
WebCGM Syntax Check - No Comments


CGM Syntax Check    - Errors Present
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - Typos: "restricted text elelments" should be "...elements"; "both Retricted Text" should be "both Restricted Text".
WebCGM Syntax Check - No description in header.


CGM Syntax Check    - Errors Present
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - The whole test case (including file names) is called "aciSimpleFontSubsitution" rather than "aciSimpleFontSubstitution".  This also applies to the title of the HTML test page.
                    - Typos: "restricted text elelments" should be "...elements"; "The text at the top is uses a font" should be "...at the top uses...".
WebCGM Syntax Check - No Comments


CGM Syntax Check    - No Errors
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check:       - Test Result: No error results are displayed in case of wrong implementation (string NA stays).
WebCGM Syntax Check - No Comments


CGM Syntax Check    - No Errors
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check:       - Test case contains no description at all. May be considered self-explaining.
WebCGM Syntax Check - No description in header.


CGM Syntax Check    - No Errors
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - No Problems
WebCGM Syntax Check - No Comments


CGM Syntax Check    - No Errors
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - Test says: "Passed if black angle bracket shifts toward the lower left corner of the drawing." Question: The reference image also shows a rotation. Is this intended?
WebCGM Syntax Check - No Comments


CGM Syntax Check    - Errors Present
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - Test says: "Passed if hatch index changes to 3." Question: On which object? Reference image doesn't show it. There is no hatch pattern in the source CGM at all.
                    - Test Result: No reaction on button "Start 1".
WebCGM Syntax Check - No Comments


Test is listed resubmitted, but I can't find it on the ftp server.


CGM Syntax Check    - No Errors
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - Typo: "Start 5 - (since aps style has not set)." should be "...has not been set)."
                      Test Result: No reaction on button "Start 6".
WebCGM Syntax Check - No Comments


CGM Syntax Check    - Errors Present
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - No Problems
WebCGM Syntax Check - No Comments


CGM Syntax Check    - Errors Present
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - No Problems
WebCGM Syntax Check - No Comments


CGM Syntax Check    - No Errors
HTML Syntax Check   - Errors Present
Visual Check        - No Problems
WebCGM Syntax Check - Test case loads the binary zCompress.cgm, but should load zCompress.cgz instead.
                    - Description says: "{one liner goes here}"

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