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Subject: metachek changes for 2.1?

All --

I'm trying to assemble a list of changes needed for MetaCheck for WebCGM 2.1.

First ... there are not many.  Almost all new 2.1 stuff is concerned with 
DOM/XCF and ACI, both of which are outside of the scope of MetaCheck.

Changes to profile:
Ch.6, T.14.15:  octet limits are doubled.
Ch.6, T.17.17:  number of dash-gap values increased to 64.

Known MetaCheck errors:
The check for "ColourClass:..." is not case insensitive, but it should be.

So my list only contains 3 items.  Does anyone recall any others?


p.s.  For a metacheck wishlist, I have:  a switch "-r webcgmAny".  If the 
file is a WebCGM file ("ProfileId:WebCGM"), look for a valid profileEd, and 
check against that WebCGM Edition.

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