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cgmopen-members message

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Subject: WebCGM Test Suite

CGM Open Members --

I have pretty much finished work on the WebCGM Test Suite.  Out of time, 
out of resources, and another job is starting.  In addition to the 
pre-circulated 232 static-graphics tests (from last month), I have written 
a total of about 25 basic dynamic (V4) tests.

Prior to general public release, there some QA and cleanup to be 
done.  We're considering now, how to get it done.  I will make a 
members-only release before that, and hopefully the implementors will 
assist the QA (that is what really flushes out the errors, when vendors 
test their wares against the suite).  Prior to that,

1. I have a small amount of cleanup (pass metachek -r webcgm);
2. and, resolution of the couple of outstanding issues -- I don't want to 
propogate samples which might be contrary to the resolutions.

This message is mostly FYI.


Lofton Henderson
1919 Fourteenth St., #604
Boulder, CO   80302

Phone:  303-449-8728
Email:  lofton@rockynet.com

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