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Subject: Re: a WebCGM question


somewhere there should be a precise description of the MIME type...

> It seems that the best that MetaCheck could do is:  if ".cgm", then
> the fragment per WebCGM rules.  Else, ignore the URI (a viewer would
> probably give it back to the browser for further processing.)
A viewer would not even see the URI in this case since the browser makes the
decision (e.g. IE) what the MIME type is, and then passes it on to the
appropriate (and registered) handler for this MIME type.
The browser gets it either from the Windows registry or from some private
registry (Netscape). Here is where you specify an extension and then the
handler for this extension.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Lofton Henderson" <lofton@rockynet.com>
To: "Dieter" <dieter@itedo.com>
Cc: <cgmopen-members@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: a WebCGM question

> At 03:26 AM 8/5/01 +0200, Dieter Weidenbrueck wrote:
> >Lofton,
> >
> >I also believe that this is part of the MIME type definition. Since there
> >no other way from the outside to detect the MIME type than the extension
> >must be .cgm.
> I agree that it is a practical requirement.  But I am trying to determine
> if it is a testable assertion, i.e., are there testable statements
> that can be used to justify a MetaCheck conformance test (on URI
> It seems that the best that MetaCheck could do is:  if ".cgm", then
> the fragment per WebCGM rules.  Else, ignore the URI (a viewer would
> probably give it back to the browser for further processing.)
> >BTW, the latest version of the BHO (to be released within a week or so)
> >allow for specification of additional extensions in a config file.
> This is a good approach.
> >So then
> >.bin could be handled by the BHO, and it would be up to the plugin to
> >whether it is a cgm or not.
> Another example might be .ctx, the common extension for clear text -- so
> that you can get the BHO invoked for easy-to-write test files.
> -Lofton.

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