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Subject: OASIS TC meetings at Orlando conference


The upcoming XML 2001 conference in Orlando, the week of 10 December, is
one of the biggest events of the year for OASIS members, and a
conference that OASIS has been involved with since the founding of the
consortium. (See http://www.xmlconference.net/xmlusa/ for conference

As we have done for many years, OASIS will be sponsoring a number of
activities at this conference. On Wednesday evening we will be holding
our Annual General Meeting (AGM), where we report to our members the
activities of the consortium. A report of OASIS technical activities
will be included. The AGM will be followed by a member reception.

On Thursday and Friday OASIS will sponsor technical committee meetings.
We will provide meeting facilities for all OASIS TCs who choose to meet
that week. We urge all TCs to schedule meetings for these two days in
Orlando. OASIS TCs rarely get the chance to meet together, so this would
be an ideal opportunity for collaborative work. We've been making a big
effort lately to promote more collaborative work; I'm sure that you'll
agree how important it is for everyone to be meeting together to set up
liaisons, conduct joint technical discussions, and create plans for
on-going joint work.

I've sent out a number of messages over the past few months to ask you
to start considering your plans for this conference; it's now time to
act. Please respond by 12 October to Dee Schur
(dee.schur@oasis-open.org), our conference coordinator, to let her know
that you will be holding a TC meeting, which day(s), whether full day or
half day, the expected number of attendees, and facilities required.
(While we prefer to see all TCs meeting together on Thursday and/or
Friday, if another day of that week would work better for your TC we
will try to accomodate that also.)

Karl F. Best
OASIS - Director, Technical Operations
978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

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