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Subject: Use of name and address XML standard in DOCBOOK


If you can recollect, I met you at the OASIS meet in
Washington DC on December 6, 2000. I am the chairman
of the OASIS TC on Customer Information Quality. We are working
on developing XML standards for Name and address data management
and customer information management.

You mentioned to me that your DOCBOOK project is planning to
incorporate some name and address fields in your standards work
and that you are looking for some existing work in name and address.
Given that our work is part of OASIS, you mentioned to me that it will
be ideal for your group to use oru work as a reference in the DOCBOOK
This gives both our groups the perfect opportunity to share our work
and show to the the other XML groups an example of how two different
works can be integrated.

I invite you to subscribe to our mailing list. Our mailing list is "CIQ".

I look forward to hearing from you.

With best regards


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