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Subject: FW: potential use of CIQ Standards in .ua ccTLD

-----Original Message-----
From: Wit Serdakovskij [mailto:wit@tormoz.net] 
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:10 AM
To: Ram Kumar
Subject: potential use of CIQ Standards in .ua ccTLD


I just want to see the information model of "Customer" entity in order
(maybe) implement it in my database for contacts of domain name record.

If you want an example of current implementation issue the following

whois msi.com.ua

and point your attention on *-c fileds (nic-handle). Something like this
is used also by your TLD:

whois msi.com.au

Thank you.

with best regards,
Wit Serdakovskij,
Hostmaster ltd, .UA ccTLD

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