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Subject: RE: UBL and Tim McGrath

Hi Colin,
I did meet Tim during the conference. We spent sometime discussing about the
alignment between CIQ and UBL. Tim was very supportive of a strong alignment between
CIQ specs. on address and UBL's version of address specs. He agreed that we are the
experts in name and address and that there is need for them to work closely with us and
the problems they had with Korean addresses was mentioned. I told him that
we cannot use all the UBL NDR in CIQ because CIQ specs. are generic in nature that
attracts different applications and by stricly following UBL NDR, CIQ becomes very restricted
and CIQ TC does not want this.
Tim was very excited about CIQ TC's approach to use UPU addresses as examples. I suggested
to Tim that UBL must look into xNL also and Tim has agreed.
Tim suggested that I send him the xNL and xAL Basic and he will look into it and see how they can
be closely aligned with the core components of ebXML and UBL and advise us on what needs to 
be done. He wants to do this before the next UBL plenary meeting on UBL 1.1 in the next few weeks.
I have sent the xNL and xAL Basic to Tim.
To summarise, UBL is keen to work closely with CIQ TC in maximise the convergence between the
two groups in UBL 1.1 as they see we have a lot to offer in party name and address field.  
I have received the party name and address core components specs. from UN/CEFACT TBG 17 and
I am looking at it now.
BTW, thanks for the feedback regarding my presentations at the conference. Hido also attended the



Ram Kumar
General Manager
Software R&D and Architecture
Suite 204A, 244 Beecroft Road
Epping, NSW 2121, Australia
Direct: +61-2-9815 0226
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URL: www.msi.com.au


From: Colin.Wallis@ssc.govt.nz [mailto:Colin.Wallis@ssc.govt.nz]
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 1:13 PM
To: Ram Kumar
Subject: UBL and Tim McGrath

Hi Ram
Did you meet up with Tim at all at the conference?
I'd appreciate hearing what happened if you did, as it may help to decide which way to vote on UBL as an OASIS std.
My current feeling is that while I am not all that happy with the way they have approached it, it is better to have it in OASIS than not and work with them experimenting with CAM and so on, to do the necessary mapping.
I'd welcome your view though. I know it is up to each of us to make up their own mind but in something like this the CIQ TC should be able to present a consistent view.
If you want to publish this to CIQ TC that is ok too.
PS: The NZ govt attendees rated your presentation to the Open Stds conference last week in Sydney as the best there by a long way. Thanks for that.

Colin Wallis
e-GIF Business Analyst
e-Government Unit - State Services Commission
T: 04 495 6758



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