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Subject: Re: [ciq] CAM and CIQ


Happy to.  Please send along before and after targets.

Thanks, DW

Ram Kumar wrote:

>I am keen to have an example that shows how a CAM template can be used
>to convert a simple name and address data represented using a
>(say, UBL) to xNAL. 
>I need you to do this. I can give you a simple address example
>in UBL and you can then create a CAM template to convert it to xAL. 
>Can you do this for the CIQ TC? Please advise. 
>Ram Kumar
>General Manager
>Software R&D and Architecture
>Suite 204A, 244 Beecroft Road
>Epping, NSW 2121, Australia
>Direct: +61-2-9815 0226
>Mobile: +61-412 758 025
>Fax: +61-2-98150200
>URL: www.msi.com.au 
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