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Subject: XNAL V3.0 STATUS

I am held up with some project work and hence, could not progress
much with xNAL V3.0. If anyone is willing to start documenting the
xNL and xAL V3.0 specifications, that will be great. Please let me know.
Your cooperation is required to move forward.
I am trying to see whether I can attend the OASIS Conference in April 2005.
If so, it will be great if we can have a face to face meeting and those who
cannot attend, we will see whether we can have a dial-in facility.
I heard from OASIS (Jamie Clark) that we have some problems signing an agreement
between OASIS and UPU to use their international address data and it is to do with IPR.
James is working on it and will get back to us regarding this ASAP.

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