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Subject: Postcode and ZIPcode webservices

Zipcode/Postcode SMS Web Services
This newsletter highlights web services which can be used to
validate or utilise zipcodes/postcodes throughout the world.

Not surprisingly this type of web services are some of the most
popular web service available today, in not only the amount that
are available (over 10) but also in that they fall into the category
of quick fix services. Services that extend a businesses
functionality without having a business totally reliant on them,
this makes them perfect as large scale bulk services:

Geomonster - Great example of a web service with attitude, this
service covers the essentials well and the documentation and
web site http://www.geomonster.com is excellent and simple. We
like this because it immediately feels like you could get it 
running quickly and with little or no fuss. With bulk pricing
structure makes this the one we'd recommend you try in order to
set the benchmark for all others.

CodeBump - This service was very, very close to being chosen as
first place, however it came over a little technie for our top
spot and we'd prefer to go for the Geomonster company feel for
a service. However saying that this service is exceptionally good
and is actually a little too good, our prefererence is for a
more simplistic approach. Otherwise its very comprehensive, the
help web site at http:\\www.codebump.com is very good and gives
you confidence in the product. Definitely trial this if you try
the Geomonster, we found it difficult to distinguish.

PostCodeAnywhere - Like our last newsletter this month we have
another company which specialise in postcode and address 
information, which offers web service abilities as well. We like
this type of company it shows commitment to the data being offered
rather than the technology. Definitely worth as trial. Great
web site.

Ripedev - Excellent web service, again sometimes difficult to 
tell the top players apart, you should try their test page at
http://www.ripedev.com/testService.aspx to try the functionality
out before you attempt to embedd it within your application.
Worth a trial.

WinIsp - Another Long/Latitude service to zipcode, would be very
interesting to try taking a long/latitude and coverting it to
a zipcode and then using the Cydne service to change it back,
would you get the same value?

Strike Iron - This company was in our last newsletter covering
sms services and again covers another web service well but again
a little basic. However one consideration is that if you want
a reliable and consistent service without bells and whistles then
you'd find it difficult to find any one better than this. Again
definitely worth a trial.

Cdyne - This company definitely shows a flare for web service
presentation, the web site is good and concise. However we
could not find any details on pricing which could mean it
may be expensive. Definitely worth a trial. This service however
offers the only postcode to long/latitude conversion we know,
which does make it unique.

EJSE - Definitely a small company attempting to look big here,
with some more thought and work it might reap benefits however
just on looks alone it doesn't come up to the mark. Some of the
links on the main web site do not work and the pages are sparse
and overly simple. Not worth a trial.

WebServiceX - Web service has been around for a good many years
now and have many 1000's of hits, however has been done as a
demonstration of web service use rather than a commercial
service. Therefore it is worth a trial, but we do not recommend
using with a commercial application.

Oakleaf - This company won a prize from Microsoft a few years ago
to do with best web service award. However nowadays I can't even
get through to their service, so at the moment NOT worth a trial.

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