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Subject: Re: [clr-dev] Genericode / CVA validation

I have myself recently written code in XSLT for a client that dynamically  
validates codes against genericode code lists (not CVA, as the way codes  
are identified for this client isn't XPaths).  Where performance isn't an  
issue, and pre-compiling is a nuisance, it's fine, and compared to the  
various other validations that are being done, the dynamic code list  
validation isn't a significant overhead.

XSLT works well enough for simple genericode code lists, e.g. with a  
single key and no references to external files.  For more complicated  
situations, XQuery would probably be easier, but I'm yet to see a working  
implementation of Schematron in XQuery (although I know people are looking  
at this, does it already exist?).

Cheers, Tony.

On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 15:11:46 -0000, G. Ken Holman  
<gkholman@cranesoftwrights.com> wrote:

> At 2008-11-27 15:43 +0100, Linda van den Brink wrote:
>> I am working with a customer in The Netherlands who are now starting
>> to use Genericode in some of their XSDs.
> Excellent!
>> Because some of their code lists can change pretty regularly, they
>> don't want to use the example validation implementation provided by
>> CraneSoft. Their objection is that the values from the code list are
>> hard coded in the generated Schematron and XSLT. They don't want to
>> have to regenerate the Schematron and XSLT each time a code list
>> changes.
>> I'm wondering if it is easy to change the implementation so that the
>> Schematron reads the code lists dynamically using the document()
>> function, or if maybe the latest version already does that?
> It doesn't do that right now, but that feature has been added to the  
> list for consideration.  Note that just last week Rick Jelliffe talked  
> about using the document() function for code list validation.  It seemed  
> to me at the time an interesting consideration for CVA2Sch ... you've  
> confirmed it!
> I'm in the process of moving the CVA2Sch tool into an Apache project, so  
> this feature can be added as part of that process.
> Thanks, Linda!
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
> --
> Upcoming XSLT/XSL-FO, UBL and code list hands-on training classes:
> :  Sydney, AU 2009-01/02; Brussels, BE 2009-03; Prague, CZ 2009-03
> Training tools: Comprehensive interactive XSLT/XPath 1.0/2.0 video
> Video sample lesson:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrNjJCh7Ppg
> Video course overview:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTiodiij6gE
> G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
> Crane Softwrights Ltd.          http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/c/
> Male Cancer Awareness Nov'07  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/c/bc
> Legal business disclaimers:  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal
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Anthony B. Coates
Associate Director
Document Engineering Services (Limited)
UK: +44 (20) 8816 7700, US: +1 (239) 344 7700
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Skype: abcoates

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