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Subject: Re: [cmis-comment] Comments on CMIS link relations

Hi Al,

Responses inline.

On 06/05/2009, at 1:09 AM, Al Brown wrote:

> Mark,
> Thanks for taking the time for reviewing. You raise some interesting  
> points. I'd like to address them individually:
> 1. The spec has a section on IANA registration that defines the link  
> relations and general concept they represent. The spec then uses  
> those link relations and binds them (for the CMIS specification) to  
> specific media types. The links to be registered are not specific to  
> a media type but rather used to model concepts not yet in the link  
> draft you specified.
Ah, good.

> 2. Both up and service are not defined in that draft your provided  
> so I am not sure I understand them completely. As long as up is  
> defined to include the up 'document' in 1 hierarchy and if more than  
> 1 hierarchy then a resource describing the collection of up  
> documents then that works. The 1..n aspect is important.  Also, in  
> CMIS, repository maps to a workspace in a service a document, so  
> somehow that association needs to be kept.
Sorry about that; both were missed in my last draft, and will be in  
the next one. They're already in the registry;

> 3. Agreed. For those that are specific, either URI format or a  
> general purpose link relation that fits will be chosen. On the two  
> you mentioned, we have an issue to remove stream. On allowable  
> actions, it is used to represent a document that describes the  
> actions that can be taken on resource. That concept does not seem to  
> be modeled yet. Would 'actions' be better term for this?
I'm not sure. Does the document describe the specific semantics that  
are allowed (potentially in an extensible way), or is it more focused  
on conveying permissions?


Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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