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Subject: RE: [cmis-comment] Better exception mapping

Thank you for proposing to have more explicit status code/status message
This will certainly help an interoperable client.
The TC, however, decided to defer making such change until V2, partially
because V2 will accommodate more use cases which may give us a broader
context to define explicit mapping.
We thank you for your support of CMIS, and hope this deferral is


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Potts [mailto:jpotts@optaros.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 4:36 PM
To: cmis-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [cmis-comment] Better exception mapping

Regarding the exception handling in Common CMIS Exceptions, I
think we need better (more explicit?) status code/status message mapping
here. The way it currently stands, a client app has no way of knowing
the difference between a contentAlreadyExists (409) error and a
versioning (also 409) error. People writing to a specific client can
look at the error message to decide but that doesn't work for an
interoperable client that can't predict the content of those messages.

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