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Subject: Re: [cmis] Nikunj's blog postings on AtomPub vs CMIS

Al Brown wrote:
> Can you send me the atom & app as rng xml notation if you have the tools 
> set up?
> ...

Sure. All attached, but not checked.

BR, Julian
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- -*- rnc -*-# RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the Atom Protocol -->
<grammar xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"; xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"; xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"; datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes";>
    <ref name="appService"/>
  <!-- common:attrs -->
  <define name="atomURI">
  <define name="appCommonAttributes">
      <attribute name="xml:base">
        <ref name="atomURI"/>
      <attribute name="xml:lang">
        <ref name="atomLanguageTag"/>
      <attribute name="xml:space">
      <ref name="undefinedAttribute"/>
  <define name="atomCommonAttributes">
    <ref name="appCommonAttributes"/>
  <define name="undefinedAttribute">
          <nsName ns=""/>
  <define name="atomLanguageTag">
    <data type="string">
      <param name="pattern">([A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*)?</param>
  <define name="atomDateConstruct">
    <ref name="appCommonAttributes"/>
    <data type="dateTime"/>
  <!-- app:service -->
  <define name="appService">
    <element name="app:service">
      <ref name="appCommonAttributes"/>
          <ref name="appWorkspace"/>
          <ref name="extensionElement"/>
  <!-- app:workspace -->
  <define name="appWorkspace">
    <element name="app:workspace">
      <ref name="appCommonAttributes"/>
        <ref name="atomTitle"/>
          <ref name="appCollection"/>
          <ref name="extensionSansTitleElement"/>
  <define name="atomTitle">
    <element name="atom:title">
      <ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
  <!-- app:collection -->
  <define name="appCollection">
    <element name="app:collection">
      <ref name="appCommonAttributes"/>
      <attribute name="href">
        <ref name="atomURI"/>
        <ref name="atomTitle"/>
          <ref name="appAccept"/>
          <ref name="appCategories"/>
          <ref name="extensionSansTitleElement"/>
  <!-- app:categories -->
  <define name="atomCategory">
    <element name="atom:category">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <attribute name="term"/>
        <attribute name="scheme">
          <ref name="atomURI"/>
        <attribute name="label"/>
      <ref name="undefinedContent"/>
  <define name="appInlineCategories">
    <element name="app:categories">
        <attribute name="fixed">
        <attribute name="scheme">
          <ref name="atomURI"/>
          <ref name="atomCategory"/>
        <ref name="undefinedContent"/>
  <define name="appOutOfLineCategories">
    <element name="app:categories">
      <attribute name="href">
        <ref name="atomURI"/>
      <ref name="undefinedContent"/>
  <define name="appCategories">
      <ref name="appInlineCategories"/>
      <ref name="appOutOfLineCategories"/>
  <!-- app:accept -->
  <define name="appAccept">
    <element name="app:accept">
      <ref name="appCommonAttributes"/>
  <!-- Simple Extension -->
  <define name="simpleSansTitleExtensionElement">
          <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"/>
  <define name="simpleExtensionElement">
          <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"/>
  <!-- Structured Extension -->
  <define name="structuredSansTitleExtensionElement">
          <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"/>
              <ref name="anyElement"/>
              <ref name="anyElement"/>
                <ref name="anyElement"/>
  <define name="structuredExtensionElement">
          <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"/>
              <ref name="anyElement"/>
              <ref name="anyElement"/>
                <ref name="anyElement"/>
  <!-- Other Extensibility -->
  <define name="extensionSansTitleElement">
      <ref name="simpleSansTitleExtensionElement"/>
      <ref name="structuredSansTitleExtensionElement"/>
  <define name="extensionElement">
      <ref name="simpleExtensionElement"/>
      <ref name="structuredExtensionElement"/>
  <define name="undefinedContent">
        <ref name="anyForeignElement"/>
  <!-- Extensions -->
  <define name="anyElement">
          <ref name="anyElement"/>
  <define name="anyForeignElement">
          <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"/>
          <ref name="anyElement"/>
  <define name="atomPlainTextConstruct">
    <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <attribute name="type">
  <define name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct">
    <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
    <attribute name="type">
    <ref name="xhtmlDiv"/>
  <define name="atomTextConstruct">
      <ref name="atomPlainTextConstruct"/>
      <ref name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct"/>
  <define name="anyXHTML">
      <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/>
          <ref name="anyXHTML"/>
  <define name="xhtmlDiv">
    <element name="xhtml:div">
          <ref name="anyXHTML"/>
<!-- EOF -->

# -*- rnc -*-# RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the Atom Protocol

namespace app = "http://www.w3.org/2007/app";
namespace atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";
namespace xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
namespace local = ""

start = appCategories

atomCommonAttributes =
   attribute xml:base { atomURI }?,
   attribute xml:lang { atomLanguageTag }?,

undefinedAttribute = attribute * - (xml:base | xml:lang | local:*) {
  text }

atomURI = text

atomLanguageTag = xsd:string {
   pattern = "([A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*)?"

atomCategory =
    element atom:category {
       attribute term { text },
       attribute scheme { atomURI }?,
       attribute label { text }?,

appInlineCategories =
    element app:categories {
        attribute fixed { "yes" | "no" }?,
        attribute scheme { atomURI }?,

appOutOfLineCategories =
    element app:categories {
        attribute href { atomURI },

appCategories = appInlineCategories | appOutOfLineCategories

# Extensibility

undefinedContent = (text|anyForeignElement)*

anyElement =
   element * {
      (attribute * { text }
       | text
       | anyElement)*

anyForeignElement =
    element * - atom:* {
       (attribute * { text }
        | text
        | anyElement)*


# -*- rnc -*-# RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the Atom Protocol

namespace app = "http://www.w3.org/2007/app";
namespace atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";
namespace xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
namespace xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
namespace local = ""

start = appService

# common:attrs

atomURI = text

appCommonAttributes =
   attribute xml:base { atomURI }?,
   attribute xml:lang { atomLanguageTag  }?,
   attribute xml:space {"default"|"preserved"}?,

atomCommonAttributes = appCommonAttributes

undefinedAttribute = attribute * - (xml:base | xml:space  | xml:lang 
  | local:*) { text }

atomLanguageTag = xsd:string {
   pattern = "([A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*)?"

atomDateConstruct =

# app:service

appService =
   element app:service {
      ( appWorkspace+
        & extensionElement* )

# app:workspace

appWorkspace =
   element app:workspace {
      ( atomTitle
        & appCollection*
        & extensionSansTitleElement* )

atomTitle = element atom:title { atomTextConstruct }

# app:collection

appCollection =
   element app:collection {
      attribute href { atomURI  },
      ( atomTitle
        & appAccept*
        & appCategories*
        & extensionSansTitleElement* )

# app:categories

atomCategory =
    element atom:category {
       attribute term { text },
       attribute scheme { atomURI }?,
       attribute label { text }?,

appInlineCategories =
    element app:categories {
        attribute fixed { "yes" | "no" }?,
        attribute scheme { atomURI }?,

appOutOfLineCategories =
    element app:categories {
        attribute href { atomURI },

appCategories = appInlineCategories | appOutOfLineCategories

# app:accept

appAccept =
   element app:accept {
         ( text? )

# Simple Extension

simpleSansTitleExtensionElement =
   element * - (app:*|atom:title) {

simpleExtensionElement =
   element * - (app:*) {

# Structured Extension

structuredSansTitleExtensionElement =
   element * - (app:*|atom:title) {
      (attribute * { text }+,
    | (attribute * { text }*,
       (text?, anyElement+, (text|anyElement)*))

structuredExtensionElement =
   element * - (app:*) {
      (attribute * { text }+,
    | (attribute * { text }*,
       (text?, anyElement+, (text|anyElement)*))

# Other Extensibility

extensionSansTitleElement =

extensionElement = simpleExtensionElement |

undefinedContent = (text|anyForeignElement)*

# Extensions

anyElement =
   element * {
      (attribute * { text }
       | text
       | anyElement)*

anyForeignElement =
    element * - app:* {
       (attribute * { text }
        | text
        | anyElement)*

atomPlainTextConstruct =
    attribute type { "text" | "html" }?,

atomXHTMLTextConstruct =
    attribute type { "xhtml" },

atomTextConstruct = atomPlainTextConstruct | atomXHTMLTextConstruct

anyXHTML = element xhtml:* {
    (attribute * { text }
     | text
     | anyXHTML)*

xhtmlDiv = element xhtml:div {
  (attribute * { text }
   | text
   | anyXHTML)*

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  -*- rnc -*-
  RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the
  Atom Format Specification Version 11
<grammar xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"; xmlns:s="http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron"; xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"; datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes";>
      <ref name="atomFeed"/>
      <ref name="atomEntry"/>
  <!-- Common attributes -->
  <define name="atomCommonAttributes">
      <attribute name="xml:base">
        <ref name="atomUri"/>
      <attribute name="xml:lang">
        <ref name="atomLanguageTag"/>
      <ref name="undefinedAttribute"/>
  <!-- Text Constructs -->
  <define name="atomPlainTextConstruct">
    <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <attribute name="type">
  <define name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct">
    <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
    <attribute name="type">
    <ref name="xhtmlDiv"/>
  <define name="atomTextConstruct">
      <ref name="atomPlainTextConstruct"/>
      <ref name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct"/>
  <!-- Person Construct -->
  <define name="atomPersonConstruct">
    <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <element name="atom:name">
        <element name="atom:uri">
          <ref name="atomUri"/>
        <element name="atom:email">
          <ref name="atomEmailAddress"/>
        <ref name="extensionElement"/>
  <!-- Date Construct -->
  <define name="atomDateConstruct">
    <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
    <data type="dateTime"/>
  <!-- atom:feed -->
  <define name="atomFeed">
    <element name="atom:feed">
      <s:rule context="atom:feed">
        <s:assert test="atom:author or not(atom:entry[not(atom:author)])">An atom:feed must have an atom:author unless all of its atom:entry children have an atom:author.</s:assert>
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
          <ref name="atomAuthor"/>
          <ref name="atomCategory"/>
          <ref name="atomContributor"/>
          <ref name="atomGenerator"/>
          <ref name="atomIcon"/>
        <ref name="atomId"/>
          <ref name="atomLink"/>
          <ref name="atomLogo"/>
          <ref name="atomRights"/>
          <ref name="atomSubtitle"/>
        <ref name="atomTitle"/>
        <ref name="atomUpdated"/>
          <ref name="extensionElement"/>
        <ref name="atomEntry"/>
  <!-- atom:entry -->
  <define name="atomEntry">
    <element name="atom:entry">
      <s:rule context="atom:entry">
        <s:assert test="atom:link[@rel='alternate'] or atom:link[not(@rel)] or atom:content">An atom:entry must have at least one atom:link element with a rel attribute of 'alternate' or an atom:content.</s:assert>
      <s:rule context="atom:entry">
        <s:assert test="atom:author or ../atom:author or atom:source/atom:author">An atom:entry must have an atom:author if its feed does not.</s:assert>
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
          <ref name="atomAuthor"/>
          <ref name="atomCategory"/>
          <ref name="atomContent"/>
          <ref name="atomContributor"/>
        <ref name="atomId"/>
          <ref name="atomLink"/>
          <ref name="atomPublished"/>
          <ref name="atomRights"/>
          <ref name="atomSource"/>
          <ref name="atomSummary"/>
        <ref name="atomTitle"/>
        <ref name="atomUpdated"/>
          <ref name="extensionElement"/>
  <!-- atom:content -->
  <define name="atomInlineTextContent">
    <element name="atom:content">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
        <attribute name="type">
  <define name="atomInlineXHTMLContent">
    <element name="atom:content">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <attribute name="type">
      <ref name="xhtmlDiv"/>
  <define name="atomInlineOtherContent">
    <element name="atom:content">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
        <attribute name="type">
          <ref name="atomMediaType"/>
          <ref name="anyElement"/>
  <define name="atomOutOfLineContent">
    <element name="atom:content">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
        <attribute name="type">
          <ref name="atomMediaType"/>
      <attribute name="src">
        <ref name="atomUri"/>
  <define name="atomContent">
      <ref name="atomInlineTextContent"/>
      <ref name="atomInlineXHTMLContent"/>
      <ref name="atomInlineOtherContent"/>
      <ref name="atomOutOfLineContent"/>
  <!-- atom:author -->
  <define name="atomAuthor">
    <element name="atom:author">
      <ref name="atomPersonConstruct"/>
  <!-- atom:category -->
  <define name="atomCategory">
    <element name="atom:category">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <attribute name="term"/>
        <attribute name="scheme">
          <ref name="atomUri"/>
        <attribute name="label"/>
      <ref name="undefinedContent"/>
  <!-- atom:contributor -->
  <define name="atomContributor">
    <element name="atom:contributor">
      <ref name="atomPersonConstruct"/>
  <!-- atom:generator -->
  <define name="atomGenerator">
    <element name="atom:generator">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
        <attribute name="uri">
          <ref name="atomUri"/>
        <attribute name="version"/>
  <!-- atom:icon -->
  <define name="atomIcon">
    <element name="atom:icon">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <ref name="atomUri"/>
  <!-- atom:id -->
  <define name="atomId">
    <element name="atom:id">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <ref name="atomUri"/>
  <!-- atom:logo -->
  <define name="atomLogo">
    <element name="atom:logo">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <ref name="atomUri"/>
  <!-- atom:link -->
  <define name="atomLink">
    <element name="atom:link">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <attribute name="href">
        <ref name="atomUri"/>
        <attribute name="rel">
            <ref name="atomNCName"/>
            <ref name="atomUri"/>
        <attribute name="type">
          <ref name="atomMediaType"/>
        <attribute name="hreflang">
          <ref name="atomLanguageTag"/>
        <attribute name="title"/>
        <attribute name="length"/>
      <ref name="undefinedContent"/>
  <!-- atom:published -->
  <define name="atomPublished">
    <element name="atom:published">
      <ref name="atomDateConstruct"/>
  <!-- atom:rights -->
  <define name="atomRights">
    <element name="atom:rights">
      <ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
  <!-- atom:source -->
  <define name="atomSource">
    <element name="atom:source">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
          <ref name="atomAuthor"/>
          <ref name="atomCategory"/>
          <ref name="atomContributor"/>
          <ref name="atomGenerator"/>
          <ref name="atomIcon"/>
          <ref name="atomId"/>
          <ref name="atomLink"/>
          <ref name="atomLogo"/>
          <ref name="atomRights"/>
          <ref name="atomSubtitle"/>
          <ref name="atomTitle"/>
          <ref name="atomUpdated"/>
          <ref name="extensionElement"/>
  <!-- atom:subtitle -->
  <define name="atomSubtitle">
    <element name="atom:subtitle">
      <ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
  <!-- atom:summary -->
  <define name="atomSummary">
    <element name="atom:summary">
      <ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
  <!-- atom:title -->
  <define name="atomTitle">
    <element name="atom:title">
      <ref name="atomTextConstruct"/>
  <!-- atom:updated -->
  <define name="atomUpdated">
    <element name="atom:updated">
      <ref name="atomDateConstruct"/>
  <!-- Low-level simple types -->
  <define name="atomNCName">
    <data type="string">
      <param name="minLength">1</param>
      <param name="pattern">[^:]*</param>
  <!-- Whatever a media type is, it contains at least one slash -->
  <define name="atomMediaType">
    <data type="string">
      <param name="pattern">.+/.+</param>
  <!-- As defined in RFC 3066 -->
  <define name="atomLanguageTag">
    <data type="string">
      <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*</param>
    Unconstrained; it's not entirely clear how IRI fit into
    xsd:anyURI so let's not try to constrain it here
  <define name="atomUri">
  <!-- Whatever an email address is, it contains at least one @ -->
  <define name="atomEmailAddress">
    <data type="string">
      <param name="pattern">.+@.+</param>
  <!-- Simple Extension -->
  <define name="simpleExtensionElement">
          <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"/>
  <!-- Structured Extension -->
  <define name="structuredExtensionElement">
          <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"/>
              <ref name="anyElement"/>
              <ref name="anyElement"/>
                <ref name="anyElement"/>
  <!-- Other Extensibility -->
  <define name="extensionElement">
      <ref name="simpleExtensionElement"/>
      <ref name="structuredExtensionElement"/>
  <define name="undefinedAttribute">
          <nsName ns=""/>
  <define name="undefinedContent">
        <ref name="anyForeignElement"/>
  <define name="anyElement">
          <ref name="anyElement"/>
  <define name="anyForeignElement">
          <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"/>
          <ref name="anyElement"/>
  <!-- XHTML -->
  <define name="anyXHTML">
      <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/>
          <ref name="anyXHTML"/>
  <define name="xhtmlDiv">
    <element name="xhtml:div">
          <ref name="anyXHTML"/>
<!-- EOF -->

# -*- rnc -*-
# RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the
# Atom Format Specification Version 11

namespace atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";
namespace xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
namespace s = "http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron";
namespace local = ""

start = atomFeed | atomEntry

# Common attributes

atomCommonAttributes =
   attribute xml:base { atomUri }?,
   attribute xml:lang { atomLanguageTag }?,

# Text Constructs

atomPlainTextConstruct =
   attribute type { "text" | "html" }?,

atomXHTMLTextConstruct =
   attribute type { "xhtml" },

atomTextConstruct = atomPlainTextConstruct | atomXHTMLTextConstruct

# Person Construct

atomPersonConstruct =
   (element atom:name { text }
    & element atom:uri { atomUri }?
    & element atom:email { atomEmailAddress }?
    & extensionElement*)

# Date Construct


# atom:feed

atomFeed =
      s:rule [
         context = "atom:feed"
         s:assert [
            test = "atom:author or not(atom:entry[not(atom:author)])"
            "An atom:feed must have an atom:author unless all "
            ~ "of its atom:entry children have an atom:author."
   element atom:feed {
       & atomCategory*
       & atomContributor*
       & atomGenerator?
       & atomIcon?
       & atomId
       & atomLink*
       & atomLogo?
       & atomRights?
       & atomSubtitle?
       & atomTitle
       & atomUpdated
       & extensionElement*),

# atom:entry

atomEntry =
      s:rule [
         context = "atom:entry"
         s:assert [
            test = "atom:link[@rel='alternate'] "
            ~ "or atom:link[not(@rel)] "
            ~ "or atom:content"
            "An atom:entry must have at least one atom:link element "
            ~ "with a rel attribute of 'alternate' "
            ~ "or an atom:content."
      s:rule [
         context = "atom:entry"
         s:assert [
            test = "atom:author or "
            ~ "../atom:author or atom:source/atom:author"
            "An atom:entry must have an atom:author "
            ~ "if its feed does not."
   element atom:entry {
       & atomCategory*
       & atomContent?
       & atomContributor*
       & atomId
       & atomLink*
       & atomPublished?
       & atomRights?
       & atomSource?
       & atomSummary?
       & atomTitle
       & atomUpdated
       & extensionElement*)

# atom:content

atomInlineTextContent =
   element atom:content {
      attribute type { "text" | "html" }?,

atomInlineXHTMLContent =
   element atom:content {
      attribute type { "xhtml" },

atomInlineOtherContent =
   element atom:content {
      attribute type { atomMediaType }?,

atomOutOfLineContent =
   element atom:content {
      attribute type { atomMediaType }?,
      attribute src { atomUri },

atomContent = atomInlineTextContent
 | atomInlineXHTMLContent
 | atomInlineOtherContent
 | atomOutOfLineContent

# atom:author

atomAuthor = element atom:author { atomPersonConstruct }

# atom:category

atomCategory =
   element atom:category {
      attribute term { text },
      attribute scheme { atomUri }?,
      attribute label { text }?,

# atom:contributor

atomContributor = element atom:contributor { atomPersonConstruct }

# atom:generator

atomGenerator = element atom:generator {
   attribute uri { atomUri }?,
   attribute version { text }?,

# atom:icon

atomIcon = element atom:icon {

# atom:id

atomId = element atom:id {

# atom:logo

atomLogo = element atom:logo {

# atom:link

atomLink =
   element atom:link {
      attribute href { atomUri },
      attribute rel { atomNCName | atomUri }?,
      attribute type { atomMediaType }?,
      attribute hreflang { atomLanguageTag }?,
      attribute title { text }?,
      attribute length { text }?,

# atom:published

atomPublished = element atom:published { atomDateConstruct}

# atom:rights

atomRights = element atom:rights { atomTextConstruct }

# atom:source

atomSource =
   element atom:source {
       & atomCategory*
       & atomContributor*
       & atomGenerator?
       & atomIcon?
       & atomId?
       & atomLink*
       & atomLogo?
       & atomRights?
       & atomSubtitle?
       & atomTitle?
       & atomUpdated?
       & extensionElement*)

# atom:subtitle

atomSubtitle = element atom:subtitle { atomTextConstruct }

# atom:summary

atomSummary = element atom:summary { atomTextConstruct }

# atom:title

atomTitle = element atom:title { atomTextConstruct }

# atom:updated

atomUpdated = element atom:updated { atomDateConstruct }

# Low-level simple types

atomNCName = xsd:string { minLength = "1" pattern = "[^:]*" }

# Whatever a media type is, it contains at least one slash
atomMediaType = xsd:string { pattern = ".+/.+" }

# As defined in RFC 3066
atomLanguageTag = xsd:string {
   pattern = "[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*"

# Unconstrained; it's not entirely clear how IRI fit into
# xsd:anyURI so let's not try to constrain it here
atomUri = text

# Whatever an email address is, it contains at least one @
atomEmailAddress = xsd:string { pattern = ".+@.+" }

# Simple Extension

simpleExtensionElement =
   element * - atom:* {

# Structured Extension

structuredExtensionElement =
   element * - atom:* {
      (attribute * { text }+,
    | (attribute * { text }*,
       (text?, anyElement+, (text|anyElement)*))

# Other Extensibility

extensionElement =
   simpleExtensionElement | structuredExtensionElement

undefinedAttribute =
  attribute * - (xml:base | xml:lang | local:*) { text }

undefinedContent = (text|anyForeignElement)*

anyElement =
   element * {
      (attribute * { text }
       | text
       | anyElement)*

anyForeignElement =
   element * - atom:* {
      (attribute * { text }
       | text
       | anyElement)*


anyXHTML = element xhtml:* {
   (attribute * { text }
    | text
    | anyXHTML)*

xhtmlDiv = element xhtml:div {
   (attribute * { text }
    | text
    | anyXHTML)*

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- -*- rnc -*-# RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the Atom Protocol -->
<grammar xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"; xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"; xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"; datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes";>
    <ref name="appCategories"/>
  <define name="atomCommonAttributes">
      <attribute name="xml:base">
        <ref name="atomURI"/>
      <attribute name="xml:lang">
        <ref name="atomLanguageTag"/>
      <ref name="undefinedAttribute"/>
  <define name="undefinedAttribute">
          <nsName ns=""/>
  <define name="atomURI">
  <define name="atomLanguageTag">
    <data type="string">
      <param name="pattern">([A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*)?</param>
  <define name="atomCategory">
    <element name="atom:category">
      <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/>
      <attribute name="term"/>
        <attribute name="scheme">
          <ref name="atomURI"/>
        <attribute name="label"/>
      <ref name="undefinedContent"/>
  <define name="appInlineCategories">
    <element name="app:categories">
        <attribute name="fixed">
        <attribute name="scheme">
          <ref name="atomURI"/>
          <ref name="atomCategory"/>
        <ref name="undefinedContent"/>
  <define name="appOutOfLineCategories">
    <element name="app:categories">
      <attribute name="href">
        <ref name="atomURI"/>
  <define name="appCategories">
      <ref name="appInlineCategories"/>
      <ref name="appOutOfLineCategories"/>
  <!-- Extensibility -->
  <define name="undefinedContent">
        <ref name="anyForeignElement"/>
  <define name="anyElement">
          <ref name="anyElement"/>
  <define name="anyForeignElement">
          <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"/>
          <ref name="anyElement"/>
<!-- EOF -->

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