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Subject: Next Monday's meeting cancelled; schedule, etc.

The TC has walked through all three parts of the 0.63a spec during the
3-day F2F meeting - a tremendous progress has been made towards public
review. For those who were not able to attend the meeting, below is a
quick summary of what lies ahead:
*	A working schedule for next steps was adopted, and was posted in
the "Meeting Notes" folder. The first checkpoint is August 31st for
approving the spec for public review. This puts a time pressure on our
Editors to put together v0.63, as well as on all TC members to review
v0.63 and test as much of it as possible. Ryan and Florian have joined
Al and Ethan as our spec Editors. (Thanks, Ryan and Florian!) We will
review the schedule on August 31st.
*	We plan to set up a mechanism to do "continuous plugfest", to
remove the space and time restrictions caused by travel. The idea is to
set up a Plugfest home page in Wiki, which links to CMIS services that
are available for interop testing. Each provider in turn sets up its own
Wiki page, describing the service offered, the date/time it is available
for testing, connection info (URL, userid/password, or by arrangement
only), contact info, etc. In addition, the Plugfest home page also links
to a Test Result page, where each CMIS consumer can describe its
consumer prototype, and log test results. I'll set up the home page in
the next few days.
*	Next Monday's TC meeting (August 10th) is cancelled.


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