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Subject: OpenCMIS TCK


Apache Chemistry released OpenCMIS 0.5.0 yesterday. A main enhancement, beside bug fixes and interoperability improvements, is the TCK.

The OpenCMIS TCK tests 40 out of the 44 CMIS services and checks if the results are spec compliant. Some checks are just spot tests but some are really thorough.
The TCK already uncovered several issues in CMIS implementations and sparked discussions about the interpretation of the spec. For example, the PWC discussion in our last TC call was originally triggered by the TCK. 

With regards to CMIS 1.1 we should make sure that we first have a common interpretation of CMIS 1.0. If there are any ambiguities, now would be the time to fix them in the CMIS 1.1 draft.
Therefore, I would like to encourage the repository vendors on this list to run the TCK and share their findings.

Running the TCK is straight forward. The TCK is part of the CMIS Workbench [1]. You just have to download it [2], unpack and run it, connect to your repository and hit the TCK button on the top. The results can be saved as HTML, text and XML reports.



[1] http://chemistry.apache.org/java/developing/tools/dev-tools-workbench.html
[2] http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/chemistry/opencmis/0.5.0/chemistry-opencmis-workbench-0.5.0-full.zip

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