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cti-cybox message

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Subject: Re: [cti-cybox] vocabulary items in cybox network extensions

On 31.08.2016 15:37:31, Kemp, David P wrote:
> The IETF approach is to be strict in what is sent and liberal in
> what is received.

Postel's Principle considered harmful...

Patched version

* Be definite about what you accept.

* Treat valid or expected inputs as formal languages, accept them with
  a matching computational power, and generate their recognizer from
  their grammar.

* Treat input-handling computational power as a privilege, and reduce
  it whenever possible.

Kingfisher Operations, sprl
gpg fingerprint: 85F3 5F54 4A2A B4CD 33C4  5B9B B30D DD6E 62C8 6C1D
"In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to
the value of the issues at stake." --Sayre's law

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