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Subject: Re: [cti-stix] The STIX Observables we should be targeting to support in STIX.

On 21/11/16 00:53, Terry MacDonald wrote:
> It seems to me that we should be looking to other areas where we can learn
> what people are actively sharing. MISP is a great example of this. MISP has
> grown organically, adding features as people have requested for them. In my
> opinion it is a great list of things that people would find useful if we
> add them:
> http://www.misp-project.org/datamodels/#types
> Things that specifically piqued my interest were:
> - BIC
> - IBAN
> - CC number
> - Link
> - Text
> - bitcoin (btc)
> Cheers
> *Terry MacDonald *| Chief Product Officer
> M: +64 211 918 814 <+64+211+918+814>
> E: terry.macdonald@cosive.com
> W: www.cosive.com

Forwarded mail from Andras (mailing-list policies reject his original mail ;-)


Hello Terry,

As someone involved in the MISP project, having support for these types in STIX would be a great move for our users. Right now we basically have to omit sharing any of these indicators when exchanging
information with other systems using STIX, it would be great if we could share the full range of data instead of downgrading it for STIX.

Best regards,

PS: We have exactly the same issue with marking as we explained in the F2F meeting in Brussels.

Alexandre Dulaunoy
CIRCL - Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg
41, avenue de la gare L-1611 Luxembourg
info@circl.lu - www.circl.lu

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