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Subject: RE https://github.com/oasis-tcs/cti-stix2/issues/28

I want to reply to Allans comment in the working call meeting notes as I was not present:

          Alan: Is the proposal is to add it to the pattern or add it as a separate thing in addition to STIX patterning? Jason may be suggesting adding sort or Yara to the same pattern property and just clarify which it is
          Bret: Jason wants to put it in the STIX pattern
          Alan: makes no sense to combine them into one. Why not have an enum with strings of STIX pattern, snort, Yara, and then you put the pattern in there.

The reason I want to have this inside the SCO pattern is simple. YARA is just another way to find files (no different than a matching properties on an SCO file object). Snort is just another way to find network traffic (no different than matching a propertieson an SCO network-traffic object).

The same is true for all of these "rudimentary patterms" people want to use. They are just different syntaxes to write an Observation _expression_.

I would like to be able to say [ SNORT:'alert tcp any any -> any any (content:"ABC"; content:"DEF"; distance:1;) ]AND [ip-address:value = '' ]


[ YARA: < YARA HERE > ] FOLLOWED BY [ network-traffic:<foobar> ] WITHIN 5 MINUTES

This is very simple, and how I actually want to make use of these things.

I opened https://github.com/oasis-tcs/cti-stix2/issues/162to track this.

Jason Keirstead
Lead Architect - IBM Security Connect

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