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Subject: Re: TAXII Architecture

I have received the following comment from a member of the cti-taxii list who has requested to remain anonymous:

Potential Use Case 1 for a hypothetical [Govt] organization: An organization is under some kind of regulatory, legal, compliance constraints such that they cannot "store" the information - they can merely deliver it.   In this situation, they may"cache" the information for some period of time if the consumers are not currently listening but it's more like the post-office vacation-hold than query/storage.    Result: TAXII does pub/sub only.

Potential Use Case 2 for some hypothetical Govt organization:  Some information is classified with all kinds of different need-to-know caveats in the same STIX document.   The decision on which fields are available to a particular consumer is on an entity-by-entity basis.   This is impossible to implement in a pub/sub model because you might have -say- 10 types of attributes of a person in terms of their need-to-know.   A given document can have fields that have require between 1-10 of those need-to-knows.  (that's 10! combinations or something factorial - I forget the equation)  So you can't create a 10! different feeds for each of those 10! need-to-knows.    Result: TAXII does query only and forms the response based on the need-to-know attributes of the entity making the query.

I'm going to argue that the TAXII tool that is optimized for Use Case 1 is 100% designed differently than one optimized for Use Case 2.  If you have to do both, I posit that's a waste of time and you may compromise and end up with something that isn't optimized well for either one of these.

I'm sorry that I'm a late arrival to this discussion.  But are you going to talk about the potential for a TAXII implementation that is more focused on real-time control, say within an organization, where some real time intelligent controller uses TAXII to send just STIX COA primitives (i.e. block-this-IP-address) to a particular router.    That's not really pub/sub but more a directed control communication.   Or is this out of scope for TAXII?

Thank you.

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