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Subject: STIX Image Component

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Oasis Committee,

I hope that you and yours are all doing well.  An image component could be developed for future STIX implementation.  For example, it could possibly be associated as an Observable an contain textual references to the retrieval mechanism, metadata, location, rationality, entities involved, etc.  Also, there are applications such as CIAP that exploit STIX documents and should be shared within the GEOINT community.   I'm with the NGA Future Xperience - Applied Innovation Division.  Contact me in order to make those applications available to our Analysts.  

The NGA Future Xperience - Applied Innovation Division: We assist agencies in the user experience and thoughtful design of interface components for apps and their content in order to fundamentally change and enhance the user experience.  To realize this vision, we will be incorporating good design principle into development, while also injecting proven technologies into the field as rapidly as possible, will provide new interfaces that will facilitate better products, richer analysis, and streamlined workflows that are innovative, imaginative, and intrinsically dynamic.  These will in-turn provide the foundation for "The Globe", NGA's new user facing element that will provide any and all access to content.

If you would like to be a resource, would you kindly sign-up and add capabilities on the GSM portal:

Warm Regards,

Elihu Eli El, Scrum, Safe Agile, ITIL
Systems Engineer
Unclassified: 571-558-4351
Secure: 579-4351
GSM: https://www.geoint.community/

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

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