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Subject: STIX 2.0 expected CS approval date

Dear list,


We are starting the process to add STIX/TAXII to the “comply or explain” list of the Dutch government. We are aiming to add STIX 2.0, but the current Committee Specification Draft status might be an issue. I understand STIX 2.0 is currently in the Public Review stage since 24 February[1]. Is there an expected CS approval date for STIX 2.0? I see that for STIX 1.2.1 it took 5 months to get from Public Review[2] to Committee Specification approval[3]. Is that a fair timeline to work with for STIX 2.0?


Additional, does it make any sense use STIX 2.0 in combination with TAXII 1.1.1 ? Because the CS approval date for TAXII 2.0 will most certainly be after our new “comply or explain” list is published (as it is lagging 2 months behind STIX 2.0 in the process).


[1]: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TCADMIN-2544

[2]: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TCADMIN-2266

[3]: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ballot.php?id=2928


Kind regards,


Richard van den Berg


Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum 

Postbus 117 | 2501 CC| Den Haag | www.ncsc.nl


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