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Subject: Re: [cti-users] Help with python-stix

Hi Nicholas,

Have you looked at the CTI-toolkit from cert-au?  It's a nice way of getting indicators out of STIX and into a usable state. 


Might help depending on your use case...

Terry MacDonald

On 27/03/2017 22:45, "Nicholas George" <nick.george@countersight.co> wrote:
Hi cti-users,

Python is not my strong point, I am trying to use the python-stix
library to consume many stix packages from hailataxii.

I have created an array of STIXPackages and am trying to iterate
through them. What I don't get is how references (idref) between
indicators, ttps, observables can work between packages. Will libstix
magically link everything up for me? Or do I need to manually resolve
idref references? I have attempted to see if it will 'just work' but
am failing.

I find the consumer examples on the stixproject website to be too
trivial, are there any good examples of stix consumers that pull
together lots of observables, indicators and ttps from a source like

Kind regards,

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