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Subject: Re: [cti-users] âSignatureâ of STIX Objects

As we have talked off-line, there are things I like about this proposal and things I do not.


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On Dec 7, 2018, at 5:44 PM, John-Mark Gurney <jmg@newcontext.com> wrote:

Stephen Russett wrote this message on Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 10:44 -0800:
Hey all

I am looking for some experiences working with âsigningâ objects (SDOs,
SROs, Data Marking Definitions, etc).  I am looking at using a custom
property, but wanted to get some feedback if others are doing this?

use case: As bundles are passed around in STIX, There are different
actors/identities that are consuming this information.  Has there been
thought on a common standard for signing bundles and each item within a
bundle (in the case where a bundleâs objects were provided by different
actors, but was bundled by someone else).

Sorry, I just saw this email.

I have already written a proposal on signing, and I wrote the first proposal
almost two years ago.

Signing data needs to be handled very carefully as if it is not handled
properly, you can end up w/ attackers being able to pretend that data was
signed when it was not...

The latest version of the proposal is at:

It does not support third party signatures yet, but this is relatively
easy to write up if needed...  After thinking about how versioning works,
and interactions w/ TAXII and other items, third party signatures need
to be their own SDO, otherwise it introduces complexities into the TAXII
server in how to aggregate signatures, where as having an independant
object makes it possible..  Though I realized that not being able to
add the reference hashes makes this idea more difficult, but not impossible..

Feel free to ask questions if you need more info...


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