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Subject: RE: [cti] Reminder about including public-access links in messages, ballots, documents, Wikis, etc

Thanks Robin,


A timely reminder. This fact had definitely fallen off my radar.  Now it’s back on J.




Terry MacDonald

Senior STIX Subject Matter Expert

SOLTRA | An FS-ISAC and DTCC Company

+61 (407) 203 206 | terry@soltra.com



From: cti@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:cti@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Robin Cover
Sent: Tuesday, 24 November 2015 7:02 AM
To: OASIS CTI TC Discussion List <cti@lists.oasis-open.org>
Cc: Robin Cover <robin@oasis-open.org>
Subject: [cti] Reminder about including public-access links in messages, ballots, documents, Wikis, etc


Here's a friendly reminder to CTI TC members, similar to the message we

occasionally send to other new TCs: a reminder that we all try to include

public-access links in email messages, Wikis, draft specifications, etc,


It's especially important in email messages sent to the TC/SC discussion

lists, since these messages become publicly archived, and additionally,

some non-OASIS members (who have no Kavi password) are indirectly

subscribed as read only to the TC or Subcommittee discussion lists (e.g.,

cti-publicmirror, cti-stix-publicmirror, cti-taxii-publicmirror, and



Making sure we publish public-access links is important as fulfillment

of our social contract with the public.  OASIS has a deep institutional

commitment to transparency, openness, accountability, and public

auditability through public visibility into TC activities and events.

Further explanations below in notes [1], [2], and [3]


Public-vs-private access (links / URI references)?  By "Public", we

mean hyperlinks to resources that are clickable without a password

challenge; "Private" means password-protected, requiring an OASIS

Kavi account, which can be misleading and off-putting to non-OASIS

members who click and receive a password challenge.   Many will

likely think, when they get such a challenge: "OASIS archives and

other resources are only visible to paying customers.  Feh...!"


Here are examples of both Public and Private (-access) links:


** Group Home



** Group Documents



** Group Email Archives



** Group Calendar/Schedule



** Group Ballots



** Group Members




[1] TC Process Section 2.8: TC Visibility


"All web pages, documents, ballot results and email archives of all TCs and SCs shall be publicly visible.... all resources of the TC and its associated Subcommittees, including web pages, documents, email lists and any other records of discussions, must be located only on facilities designated by OASIS.... nd all TC email archives shall be publicly visible


[2] Publicly Accessible URIs


In support of the OASIS TC Process rules for public access/visibility of all TC resources, TC Members must be careful to select an appropriate form of a URI reference to ensure that a cited resource is publicly accessible from that URI reference. The OASIS member-only (private, password-protected) URI references created by OASIS [Kavi] tools must not be cited in TC mailing list messages, Wiki pages, TC public web pages, JIRA tickets, specifications, meeting minutes, or in any TC "documents" that are or may become public.


In some cases, the mechanical transform from a member-only (private) URI to the correct public URI can be made by replacing the substring 'apps/org/workgroup/{tc-shortname}/' with 'committees'. Alternately, TC members may select the public-access URIs using select/copy+paste of relevant URI references from the public-access indexes as presented on the TC public home page, "Related links" display (Documents, Email Archives, Comments Archive, Ballots, Schedule). For Group ballots (specific ballots and ballot listings), publishing both the member-only and public-access ballot URI is best, since they are useful for different purposes. Here are URI examples for documents, email messages, ballots, and calendar entries, together with document/email archive URIs for the TC public-access indexes:


[3] The "Public" URIs above marked "index" provide public-access URI references for documents, email messages, calendar events, and ballots.  Here are some other gestures for locating a public-access URI reference if you are looking at a Member's Only view:


a) From the Kavi Group Member's Only (home) page: see the public URI referenced under the tab "[TC] Public Page"

b) From Member's Only view of a document, see the "Public URL for this Revision" under (Actions -> ) "Document Details"

c) From the Member's Only view of an archived email message, see the (top, right) link for "[List Home]" for public-access URIs

d) From any Member's Only view of a calendar event, see the "Public URL" displayed on the page




Robin Cover
OASIS, Director of Information Services
Editor, Cover Pages and XML Daily Newslink
Email: robin@oasis-open.org
Staff bio: http://www.oasis-open.org/people/staff/robin-cover
Cover Pages: http://xml.coverpages.org/
Newsletter: http://xml.coverpages.org/newsletterArchive.html
Tel: +1 972-296-1783

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