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Subject: Conformance Section

Hey everyone,


One of the major sections we need to finish before we move forward with 2.0 is the conformance section of the document. The conformance section describes what it means to be conformant with STIX and what terms you should use to describe those products.


To frame things a bit, an example conformance section from ebXML is attached. As you can see, they dictate what sections you need to conform to to be called a registry, a registry client, etc.


For us, the equivalent to those categories seems to be “STIX Producer” and “STIX Consumer”. Additionally, we’ll have tools that implement different sets of STIX objects (some tools will only do indicators, others will do some set of things, others will do everything). That to me suggests some kind of matrix:


-          STIX Producer, STIX Consumer, or both

-          Which STIX objects you support


So you’d end up with some text like this:



A producer is any tool that creates STIX content. An implementation is a conformant producer if it meets the following conditions:

1.      The content it creates is encoded as JSON and is conformant with the property tables and normative requirements within those tables for the content it creates

2.      Any STIX content it creates conforms to all applicable normative requirements in the sections for the content it creates


A consumer is any tool that receives STIX content for any purpose. An implementation is a conformant consumer if it meets the following conditions:

1.      It supports consuming data markings by conforming to all normative requirements in the data markings section

2.      It supports consuming versioned content by conforming to all normative requirements in the versioning section

3.      It supports consuming custom content by conforming to all normative requirements in the “customizing STIX” section (TODO: maybe not necessary, consumers are allowed to either ignore or throw an error if they get properties with custom content)


A producer or consumer may additionally claim conformance with one or more STIX Objects. Implementations may do so if:

1.      They support all normative requirements in the corresponding section

2.      If a producer, the objects of that type they create are conformant with the property table in that section (though they may contain custom properties per the normative requirements of that section).


A “STIX Producer” is any tool that can produce ____________ (TODO, see below)

A “STIX Consumer” is any tool that can consume ____________ (TODO, see below)



One option is that to be called a “STIX Producer” you need to be able to create ALL objects defined in STIX. Tools that were not able to create all objects would just be called producers of those objects, but not STIX producers.


The other option is that to be called a “STIX Producer” you just need to be able to create SOME objects defined in STIX. Tools that create any STIX objects can be called STIX producers, and we could name another class (“Full STIX Producer”) for tools that create all objects, or just not give it a name.


We would also be allowed to create other classes…for example, STIX Indicator Sharing Producers might be required to produce indicators, relationships, sightings, and observed data. I would probably lean towards not doing that just yet though…can always be added in 2.1+ as we learn more.


So, a couple questions for everyone:

1.       Does the rough direction I’ve outlined above make sense? Do you have any other ideas?

2.       Do you think we should make “STIX Producer/Consumer” mean a tool that creates/consumes ALL STIX objects, or a tool that creates/consumes SOME STIX objects?




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\f0\i\b\fs24 \cf0 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
5.5 Implementation Conformance
\i0\b0 \

\i \cf0 An implementation is a conforming ebXML Registry if the implementation meets the conditions in Section 5.5.1. An implementation is a conforming ebXML Registry Client if the implementation meets the conditions in Section 5.5.2. An implementation is a conforming ebXML Registry and a conforming ebXML Registry Client if the implementation conforms to the conditions of Section 5.5.1 and Section 5.5.2. An implementation shall be a conforming ebXML Registry, a conforming ebXML Registry Client, or a conforming ebXML Registry and Registry Client.
\i0 \

\i\b \cf0 5.5.1 Conformance as an ebXML Registry
\i0\b0 \

\i \cf0 An implementation conforms to this specification as an ebXML Registry if it meets the following conditions:
\i0 \

\i 1. Conforms to the ebXML Registry Information Model [ebRIM].
\i0 \

\i 2. Supports the syntax and semantics of the Registry Interfaces and
\i0 \

\i 3. Supports the defined ebXML Registry Schema (Appendix B).
\i0 \

\i 4. Optionally supports the syntax and semantics of Section 8.3, SQL
\i0 \

\i\b \cf0 5.5.2 Conformance as an ebXML Registry Client
\i0\b0 \

\i \cf0 An implementation conforms to this specification, as an ebXML Registry if it meets the following conditions:
\i0 \

\i 1. Supports the ebXML CPA and bootstrapping process.
\i0 \

\i 2. Supports the syntax and the semantics of the Registry Client Interfaces.
\i0 \

\i 3. Supports the defined ebXML Error Message DTD.
\i0 \

\i 4. Supports the defined ebXML Registry Schema (Appendix B).
\i0 \

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