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Subject: Motion: Open Repository Proposal - STIX 1 to STIX 2 converter

Another month, another open repository proposal. :-)


This is a tool MITRE has been developing on behalf of DHS to convert STIX 1.2 (and potentially STIX 1.2.1, once the schemas are approved) to STIX 2.0.


Note that we are not tied to the name “stix-elevator” at all. It was an internal name we have been using so we don’t have to keep saying “STIX 1 to STIX 2 converter”, since “STIX converter” is a little non-specific and is easily confused with stix-ramrod. If anyone has suggestions for a better name, I’d be happy to consider them. If the motion to open a ballot gets seconded, I’ll give it a couple extra days for people to come up with names.


Alternatively, if people are worried about “ballot fatigue”, I can bring it up for approval during the next monthly TC call. As long as the meeting minutes show approval from TC members, that’s sufficient to ask OASIS to create the repo.


If you have any questions, let me know.



I move that the TC approve requesting OASIS to set up an OASIS Open Repository project named cti-stix-elevator using the following pieces of information:


Purpose Statement: The stix-elevator is a software tool for converting STIX 1.2 XML to STIX 2.0 JSON. Due to the differences between STIX 1.2 and STIX 2.0, this conversion is best-effort only, and stix-elevator cannot convert from STIX 2.0 back to STIX 1.2. During the conversion, stix-elevator provides information on the assumptions it needs to make to produce valid STIX 2.0 JSON, and what information was not able to be converted.

Initial Maintainers: Greg Back and Rich Piazza

Open Source License: BSD-3-Clause License

GitHub Name: cti-stix-elevator

Short Description: OASIS Open Repository: Convert STIX 1.2 XML to STIX 2.0 JSON


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