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Subject: Re: [EXT] [cti] Embedded Relationships

Interesting. This is giving me a lot to think about. I was not picturing such a distributed model. I was thinking of using the derived-from relationship as you described below. I thought if I had more information about an SDO that I would send a message to my intelligence provider and they could update the object.


It sounds like this is a way more distributed model. I’m trying to think about the overhead that will cause for a SOC operator. How am I going to fuse all of this information together? It would be nice to query one place for information about a single object, but now it sounds like I should expect to query multiple sources.


If the relationships don’t identify the source/publisher of an SDO then how do you find it? For example, if I receive a Relationship object that has source ID of vulnerability--0c7b5b88-8ff7-4a4d-aa9d-feb398cd0061 then where would I go to find the vulnerability object? The UUID does not indicate who published the vulnerability object. Perhaps the vulnerability is referencing a service that I don’t subscribe to and I cannot access the object.


Thanks for giving me something to think about. This is interesting. I might want a phone call, but I need to chew on this for a while.






From: Bret Jordan <Bret_Jordan@symantec.com>
Date: Monday, April 17, 2017 at 2:14 PM
To: "Reller, Nathan S." <Nathan.Reller@jhuapl.edu>, "cti@lists.oasis-open.org" <cti@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: Re: [EXT] [cti] Embedded Relationships




Let me address one of the elements right up front.  The reason relationships are separate objects is we needed and wanted the ability for 3rd parties to connect things together.  


So for example, if you created and published a Threat Actor and a Campaign object linked together with a relationship object. with our model, someone else could come along and relate your Threat Actor to another Campaign object or Malware object.  With embedded relationships you could not do this as only the object creator can issue updates or revisions of an object.


Embedded relationships are a special class of relationships that we felt deserved special treatment.  They are ONLY used in cases where the linkage is a "FACT" and not open to debate or open to be added to by a third party.  The primary example of this is the "created_by_ref" on all objects.  Another example is on the Reports objects... When someone issues a "report", which is to mimic a paper PDF report, no one else should be allowed to come in and add things to your report.  They may create a different report and build a relationships between using a verb of "derived-from" or something similar. 


You can also see a data sharing model where everyone has the majority of object, and people are just sharing new relationships and context that they have discovered based on existing objects.  If you do this as embedded relationships, there is no way to do this.


I hope this helps.  If not, lets setup a phone call so we can talk through it. 



From: cti@lists.oasis-open.org <cti@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of Reller, Nathan S. <Nathan.Reller@jhuapl.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 11:24:30 AM
To: cti@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [EXT] [cti] Embedded Relationships


I wanted to start a debate on the relationship modeling in the STIX 2.0 proposal. I would like to propose switching all of the relationships to embedded relationships as opposed to creating Relationship classes. I’m new to the group, so I don’t know if you have already discussed this. I wanted to bring up some of my thoughts.

I feel that the relationships should all be embedded for three primary reasons.

1. There are two ways to define relationships

You can define a new relationship by creating a Relationship with a custom type, and you can define a new relationship by adding a custom property to an SDO. It’s unclear as to which approach to choose. For example, I have a new relationship where Campaigns “foo” Malware. I could add a property to the Campaign class called “x_example_com_foo” that references a Malware or I could define a new Relationship with source of Campaign, target of Malware, and type of “foo.”

2. Performance

I believe that for the common use case of displaying the properties for an SDO there will be a performance hit for this. I included some analysis below in Appendix A that shows what I believe to a be a 2n penalty for modeling using Relationship top-level classes.

3. Maintainability of code and JSON

I believe the code will be easier to maintain if we use embedded relationships. In Appendix B I included some class diagrams for how the system will likely be modeled. There will likely need to be a lot more classes and code for supporting Relationship subclasses.

I know this is a long email and a big proposed change, but I would appreciate some feedback on this. This was the biggest area of concern for me while reading through the spec.


P.S. the ASCII art below requires a fixed width font for accurately displaying them. I hope they appear correctly for you. Otherwise I can try creating them some place else.

---------------------------------- Appendix A ----------------------------------

This document compares the common use case of displaying information to an
analyst using two different object modeling methods. There is the graph modeling
approach proposed by the CTI TC and the embedded relationship approach that I am
proposing. The use case should be a very common scenario. There will likely be a
graphical user interface, most likely a web interface, that is used to display
information about campaigns, threat actors, malware, etc to analysts. The
analysts will want this web interface to view those objects and click on links
to related objects, like wanting to view more details of the malware used by a

Each modeling approach (graph and embedded) has pseudocode written to
demonstrate the code for displaying information about a campaign. The expected
output is below. While the output below is simply text based the process is the
same for HTML display. The only difference is that everything will be wrapped in
HTML tags before printing. In the interest of brevity the HTML tags were

------------- Expected Output -------------
Campaign: campaign--8e2e2d2b-17d4-4cbf-938f-98ee46b3cd3f
Name: Green Group attacks against France
Description: Green Group launched a phishing attack against France heads of state
First Seen: 2016-04-06T20:03:00.000Z
Last Seen: 2016-04-06T20:03:00.000Z
Threat Actors:
Identities Targeted:
Vulnerabilities Targeted:
Malware Used:

Here is what the code will look like for a graph-based object model like the
one proposed in Stix 2.0.

void printCampaign(campaignId) {
    Campaign c = repo.getCampaign(campaignId)
    List<Relationship> relationships = repo.getRelationships(c)
    print “Campaign: %s\n”, c.getId()
    print “Name: %s\n”, c.getName()

    print “Description: %s\n”, c.getDescription()
    print “First Seen: %s\n”, c.getFirstSeen()
    print “Last Seen: %s\n”, c.getLastSeen()

    // categorize each relationship
    threatActors = new List<Relationship>()
    identitiesTargeted = new List<Relationship>()
    vulnerabilitiesTargeted = new List<Relationship>()
    malwareUsed = new List<Relationship>()
    for r in relationships
        if r.getType() == “attributed-to” && r.getTarget() instanceof ThreatActor
        else if r.getType() == “targets” && r.getTarget() instanceof Identity

        else if r.getType() == “targets” && r.getTarget() instanceof Vulnerability
        else if r.getType() == “uses” && r.getTarget() instanceof Malware


    // print relationships
    print “Threat Actors:\n”
    for r in threatActors
        print “    %s\n”, r.getTarget().getId()
    print “Identities Targeted:\n”

    for r in relationships
        print “    %s\n”, r.getTarget().getId()
    print “Vulnerabilities Targeted:\n”
    for r in relationships
        print “    %s\n”, r.getTarget().getId()
    print “Malware Used:\n”
    for r in relationships
        print “    %s\n”, r.getTarget().getId()


Notice how the code must iterate over the relationships twice. The first loop
must be done to categorize each relationship. They must be categorized, so the
interface can display the correct label. In an HTML view they will likely want
to be categorized to add icons, HTML sections that can be hidden and revealed,
and other features to make the user experience better. Then each of the objects
in the relationship is iterated over again when it prints the relationships.
This means that using a graph to model the relationships will have a runtime of
2*n where n is the number of relationships.

The code below shows the code for embedding the relationships in the objects

void printCampaign(campaignId) {
    Campaign c = repo.getCampaign(campaignId)
    print “Campaign: %s\n”, c.getId()

    print “Name: %s\n”, c.getName()
    print “Description: %s\n”, c.getDescription()
    print “First Seen: %s\n”, c.getFirstSeen()
    print “Last Seen: %s\n”, c.getLastSeen()

    // print relationships
    print “Threat Actors:\n”
    for r in c.getThreatActors()
        print “    %s\n”, r.getTarget().getId()
    print “Identities Targeted:\n”
    for r in c.getIdentitiesTargeted()
        print “    %s\n”, r.getTarget().getId()
    print “Vulnerabilities Targeted:\n”
    for r in c.getVulnerabilitiesTargeted()
        print “    %s\n”, r.getTarget().getId()
    print “Malware Used:\n”
    for r in c.getMalwareUsed()
        print “    %s\n”, r.getTarget().getId()

This code will have a runtime of n where n is the number of relationships. This
means that embedding the relationships will run twice as fast as the graph
approach because the relationships do not need to be categorized. This code is
easier to read as well.

One other advantage of the embedded model is that it contains less potential
runtime errors. The graph model loops over each item in the set of relationships
and performs a comparison to categorize the relationship. This creates possible
errors that will only be detected at runtime. For example the code has a check
that if type == "uses". If the programmer had mistyped "uses," and instead typed
"yses," then no malware relationships would be displayed, and the code would
still compile and run. If the programmer however mistyped c.getMalwareUsed()
then a compile time error would have caught the mistake if they were using a
type safe language like Java.

---------------------------------- Appendix B ----------------------------------

This document compares the code for STIX objects using two different
approaches. The first approach codes relationships using embedded relationships
while the second approach codes relationships using a Relationship class as
specified in the proposed STIX 2.0 specification.

Below is a UML class diagram showing some of the relationships between a
Campaign and other STIX Domain Objects (SDOs). There is the base Stix class and
all SDOs are subclasses of it. The Campaign class is shown with four of its
relationships. Not all relationships were shown in the interest of brevity.

The diagram shows there is an "attributed-to" relationship between Campaigns
and ThreatActors. The nice aspect of this relationship is that a developer can
clearly and quickly see in the Campaign class which other SDOs it has
relationships with because there are attributes in the class that declare them.
For each relationship the code simply needs to add an attribute to an SDO class
and provide getters and setters for retrieving and modifying that relationship.

                                 |        Stix           |
                                 |id: UUID               |
                                 |creator: Identity      |
                                 |created: Timestamp     |
                                 |modified: Timestamp    |
                                 |revoked: boolean       |
                                 |                       |
                   |                                                          |
                   |                                                          |
                   |                     attributed-to  +-----------------+   |
                   |                    +-------------> |   ThreatActor   | <-+
                   |                    |               +-----------------+   |
                   |                    |               |                 |   |
                   |                    |               +-----------------+   |
                   |                    |                                     |
+------------------+--------------------+----+ targets  +-----------------+   |
|        Campaign                            +--------> | Vulnerability   | <-+
+--------------------------------------------+          +-----------------+   |
|                                            |          |                 |   |
| threatActors: List<ThreatActor>            |          +-----------------+   |
| vulnerabilityTargets: List<Vulnerability>  |                                |
| identityTargets: List<Identity>            | targets  +-----------------+   |
| malwareUsed: List<Malware>                 +--------> |  Identity       | <-+
|                                            |          +-----------------+   |
+---------------------------------------+----+          |                 |   |
                                        |               +-----------------+   |
                                        |                                     |
                                        |      uses     +-----------------+   |
                                        +-------------> |  Malware        | <-+
                                                        |                 |

The next diagram below illustrates how relationships will be coded using the
Relationship concept in the STIX 2.0 specification. In the specification it
states that relationships between SDOs should be modeled using a Relationship
class. This requires the creation of a Relationship class and subclasses.

                                  +------+   CampaignThreatActors         |
                                  |      +--------------------------------+
                                  |      |                                |
                                  |      |  source: Campaign              |
                                  |      |  target: ThreatActor           |
                                  |      |                                |
                                  |      +--------------------------------+
    +-------------------+         |      +--------------------------------+
    |     Relationship  | <--------------+  CampaignTargetVulnerability   |
    +-------------------+         |      +--------------------------------+
    |                   |         |      |                                |
    | source: Stix      |         |      | source: Campaign               |
    | target: Stix      |         |      | target: Vulnerability          |
    |                   |         |      |                                |
    +--------+----------+         |      +--------------------------------+
             |                    |
             |                    |      +--------------------------------+
             |                    +------+  CampaignTargetIdentity        |
             |                    |      +--------------------------------+
             |                    |      |                                |
             |                    |      | source: Campaign               |
             |                    |      | target: Identity               |
             |                    |      |                                |
             |                    |      +--------------------------------+
             |                    |
             |                    |      +--------------------------------+
             |                    +------+  CampaignMalware               |
             |                           +--------------------------------+
             |                           |                                |
             |                           | source: Campaign               |
             |                           | target: Malware                |
             |                           |                                |
             |                           +--------------------------------+
             |    has            +----------------------+
             +-----------------> |        Stix          |
                                 |id: UUID              |
                                 |creator: Identity     |
                                 |created: Timestamp    |
                                 |modified: Timestamp   |
                                 |revoked: boolean      |
                                 |                      |
                   |                                                          |
                   |                                                          |
                   |                                    +-----------------+   |
                   |                                    |   ThreatActor   | <-+
                   |                                    +-----------------+   |
                   |                                    |                 |   |
                   |                                    +-----------------+   |
                   |                                                          |
+------------------+-------------------------+          +-----------------+   |
|        Campaign                            |          | Vulnerability   | <-+
+--------------------------------------------+          +-----------------+   |
|                                            |          |                 |   |
|                                            |          +-----------------+   |
|                                            |                                |
|                                            |          +-----------------+   |
|                                            |          |  Identity       | <-+
|                                            |          +-----------------+   |
+--------------------------------------------+          |                 |   |
                                                        +-----------------+   |
                                                        +-----------------+   |
                                                        |  Malware        | <-+
                                                        |                 |

Notice that for each relationship between SDOs there is a new class to model
that relationship. That means for each tuple of (source SDO, relationship
type, target SDO) there will be a new class. In the proposed draft of the spec
there are already 40 relationships defined, for a minimally viable product.
That number is likely to grow quickly. It also adds more overhead for a
developer because instead of adding a property and a couple of methods for
getters and setters they now need to maintain an entire new class.

Another downside is that when a developer reads the code for SDOs they cannot
quickly see what the relationships are between SDOs. They must examine the
packages that contain the Relationship subclasses to determine which
relationships exist between SDOs.

A similar property is true for the JSON output. It is slower to identify
relationships between objects using a top-level object of Relationship. The
SDOs are first read and then the Relationships are read. If the relationships
are embedded in the JSON then the developer can quickly analyze the count and
types of relationships for a given SDO. Otherwise the programmer may have to
develop some scripts to extract that information to help with debugging.

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