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Subject: Motion for Open Repository for CTI TC training materials

tl;dr: A number of folks are collaborating on a set of CTI training
materials. This work needs a home, hence this motion.

I move that the TC approve by unanimous consent requesting OASIS to
set up an OASIS Open Repository project named cti-training using the
following pieces of information:

  * Purpose Statement: A collection of CTI-related training materials
  * Initial Maintainers: Trey Darley, John Wunder, Ivan Kirillov
  * Open Source License: BSD-3-Clause License
  * GitHub Name: cti-training
  * Short Description: OASIS Open Repository: CTI-related training materials

If there have been no objections by Thursday, 05 April at 21h UTC I
will submit the form [1] to request OASIS staff to create the

[1]: https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tc-admin-requests/open-repository-request

Director of Standards Development, New Context
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"No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his
accomplices." --Edward R. Murrow

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