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Subject: For Evaluation: Pull Request 316 Asciidoc version of STIX committee draft

The STIX WG is experimenting with editing the next draft version of the specification using a Github working model. This enables greater transparency of the document changes and easy visibility into ongoing changes. Moving forward this will allow us to externalize the sample code for verification (using the stix-validator) and add standard track extensions by including (via an include statement) rather than by manually incorporating STIX extensions that adopt the asciidoc format.


This is an editorial working model change, not a change in the specification itself. The spec will continue to exist in PDF, HTML, and docx formats that are generated with varying levels of automation. (The goal is to fully automate generations of these versions of the spec.)


99% of the formatting of STIX v.2.1 is able to be replicated via asciidoc. Asciidoc does not yet easily support table cell background coloring, but there is a pull request in place in that community to enable it.


We welcome comments on the pull request and contributions from TC members via issues, pull requests, and responses to this email. Again, this changes nothing about the document contents and content creation, it is merely an editorial workflow change.


PR: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/cti-stix2/pull/316


Emily Ratliff

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