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Subject: Re: [cti] CTI interest in NIEM?

Firstly, I am hopeful that Duncan and others can help discover and continue to evangelize opportunities for CTI and NIEM to collaborate.

That said, I join Duncan in my concerns that others in the CTI community have not yet embraced NIEM as a model for exchanging information between and among domains. As a long,-term proponent of NIEM and related standards for cross-domsin information sharing, we welcome feedback as to whether this gap is due to unfamiliarity with the NIEM or whether it is to due to specific design choices we in the NIEM technical or business committees have made.

Regardless of whether the CTI community embraces NIEM as a standard for sharing information across domains, we request the CTI stakeholders provide feedback to NIEM regarding any gaps in our current approach

Thank you,

Jim Cabral

From: "duncan sfractal.com" <duncan@sfractal.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2023 3:54 PM
To: cti@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [cti] CTI interest in NIEM?

Is there interest in getting NIEM to adopt STIX terminology at a minimum and maybe STIX âin totoâ?



NIEM is an OASIS Open Project (http://niem.github.io/ ) to standardize work the US Government has been doing for several decades (https://www.niem.gov/) for standardizing information exchange within and between federal agencies, State/Local/Tribal/Territorial governments, as well as with private industry. NIEM is quite prevalent in the courts, law enforcement, and legal profession, as well as in select industries (ag agriculture, emergency management, transportation, miliary, â) where the USG had needs for standardizing information exchange. For example, when you get pulled over for a speeding ticket, it's NIEM standards that allow the local police to check what other tickets you got, whether your car was stolen, whether you are wanted for other crimes etc. And itâs unfortunately also how the insurance company knows you got a ticket so they can hike your rates 😊.


For whatever reason, the âcyber domainâ does not have much support (I believe Iâve been sole attendee with any interest). NIEM sort of acknowledges STIX1.2, as a way to exchange threat information. It will take text/PRâs/editing/etc to actually have NIEM use the current version of STIX.


Personally I think this is important, especially as more and more cyber cases end up in court; as well as cyber becomes more important to more industries. However at NIEM meetings, I feel like that Greek guy forever pushing the boulder up hill.


Is anyone else interested in participating in NIEM cyber activities? Without more support, Iâm thinking dropping my participation in that effort.



Duncan Sparrell

sFractal Consulting

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