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Subject: Action Items: 08-06-2018 ATC Meeting

                 ACTION ITEMS
          OASIS DITA Adoption Meeting 
Attendees: Joe, Stan, Joyce, Kathy, Jacquie, Keith, Scott

Next meeting: Tuesday, September 3 at 12:00PM/EST 
1. DITA samples development
   a. Keith/Scott: Finish up the B-25 sample work.
      > Make the tables accessible (1.3 markup).
	  > Re-run the MDITA transform for the B-25 content.
	  > Request repo from OASIS.
	  > Populate the repo. 
   b. Stan: Build out some working content badging samples
      to support the writing in the badging whitepaper (Q3).
      > GitHub: https://github.com/StanDoherty/dita-badges	 

2. Looking ahead: What is the future of DITA/DITA 2.0 (Keith)?
    a. What do I need to know to get ready for 2.0? 
    b. What should I prep? 
    c. What would a typical user/group see as changes?
    d. Review in the spring as a possible whitepaper.

3. DITA User's Guide
   a. Background discussions:
      > Keith: We should consider applying the proposed DITA Users'
        Guide template for DITA commands to the <strong>/<em> 
        DITA 2.0 proposal.
	  > ATC: The lack of an "official" user's guide for DITA
        is impeding its adoption. Some of the items that could 
        go into the Guide include:
		- WebHelp for every element (a la DocBook Definitive Guide).
		- Workflows for DITA authors.
		- Loose coordination (xrefs or mashup) to DITA TC spec.
   b. 08-06-2019 ATC discussion notes: 
      a. AI/Scott?: Create an ATC wiki page for DUG.
	  b. AI/Team: List possible DITA 2.0 examples first.
      c. AI/Team: List DITA 1.3 examples with issues.
      d. AI/Team: List topics that could be candidates for 
	     features examples.
      e. What is out of scope of this publication relative to the 
	     TC DITA spec?
      f. Individual teams are writing extensive specs/guides on 
          content models and usage.
      g. Feels like the writer-focused guides and advice = 
      h. Need best practices and usage tips and how-tos.
      i. Need something that is searchable and browse-able for
         finding relationships. 
      j. There is foundation material available and should be
          > Oxygen/Comtech project?
          > Tony Self's DITA Style Guide?
          > DITA Best Practices (1.2)
      k. Providing customizable sources to companies via the 
	     GitHub forum would be immensely helpful. 
      l. AI/Team: Identify donate-able sources and post references
         to the wiki. 
      m. Scope? Limit to a list of our useful practices.
      n. Next steps:
          AI/Keith - talk to Chet about setting up the repo.
          AI/Scott - description of user task analysis and persona.
          AI/Scott - create wiki home page.
          AI/Stan - inventory existing sample content that we reviewed 
                    last year. 

4. Opportunities for writing:
   a. Stan: Consider working up a CIDM article on DITA sample doc sets.
      > In progress.
   b. All: Discuss developing a separate whitepaper on DITA 1.3 flagging 
      best practices. Include revision marking and PDF changebar 
   c. HOLD -- All: Explore the role that <set> could play in DITA 2.0.

5. Whitepapers:
   a. Discuss: Whitepaper submission process.
      > Is it a requirement to source ATC whitepapers in DITA?
	  > If so, by what process do we put content into some 
        whitepaper-ready DITA structure?
      > If not, is publishing whitepaper content via OASIS-generated
        Word docs sufficient?
      AGENDA - toward top next time
   b. Review Stan's June 30 email about a DITA conversion
      > Whitepaper check-in a few months
   c. Keith: Continue progress on "How keys should be implemented" 
      whitepaper (Q3).
6. Parking lot items
   a. Review Scott's May 3 email on DITA/LwDITA 1.0 migration strategy.
      > How do we anticipate LwDITA evolutions? 
	  > May need to update as the spec evolves.
      > Keep as an email for now; revisit late this year. 	  
	  > Eventually turn it into a procedure.
	  > Wiki - migration
   b. All: Consider creating some LwDITA versions of the content? 
      Word/GoogleDoc can be converted to MDITA and from there to HDITA. 
	  > Whitepaper - another output type
   c. LwDITA and HTML5 alignment (XDITA)
7. Upcoming ATC meetings
   > Tuesday, October 1 
   > Tuesday, November 5 
   > Tuesday, December 3
   > Tuesday, January 7
   > Tuesday, February 4

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