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Subject: Glossary best practices

Hi Eliot,


The DITA Adoption TC is in the process of creating a DITA User Guide. The guide is geared to address the following audiences:


  • Technical writers - some brand new to DITA and XML, some familiar with structured writing
  • Technical editors - some brand new to DITA and XML, some familiar with structured writing
  • Senior writers / ISD - some brand new to DITA and XML, some familiar with structured writing stubbing out the info design, maps. Deep product knowledge.
  • Conversion - familiar with scripting and tools, XML, but might not know DITA (inheritance hierarchy/specialization, content models).
  • Publishing - familiar with style reqs, but might not know the DITA-OT or structures.


We are starting our task analysis based on these roles to identify topics that we want to cover in the DITA User Guide.


We are wondering if you have any time/interest to help advise the Adoption TC on glossary best practices (and any other topics you might be interested in)?


Thanks and best regards,



Scott Hudson
Content Technology Strategist, DS&A Information and Knowledge Services

Jeppesen, A Boeing Company

55 Inverness Drive East

Englewood, CO 80112

303-328-6228 | Cell: 303-350-7934





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