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Subject: Agenda: DITA Adoption TC Meeting - 07-07-2020 (NEW LOGIN)

          DITA Adoption Meeting Agenda 
Stanley Doherty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: OASIS DITA Adoption TC -- 07-07-2020
Time: Jul 7, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
        Every month on the First Tue, until Dec 1, 2020, 6 occurrence(s)
        Jul 7, 2020 12:00 PM
        Aug 4, 2020 12:00 PM
        Sep 1, 2020 12:00 PM
        Oct 6, 2020 12:00 PM
        Nov 3, 2020 12:00 PM
        Dec 1, 2020 12:00 PM
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1. Team: Add comments to the DITA User's Guide wiki, especially
         the section on tasks:
          > https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption/DITA_User_Guide

2. Team: Update the 2020 Conferences wiki page with additional
         info. The wiki includes Kathy's updates.
   > https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption/ATC-conference-planning
01. Gershon: Update the draft document on localization financials.
    - Add a section on real-life results, perhaps one scenario
      that assumes a green-field (no memory implementation) and one
      scenario focused on leveraging existing memory.
    - Go forward with Keith's pricing (who had reached out to LSPs)
      to get normalized $$$
    - Maybe go to some of the larger L10N vendors to get (WHP) some
      ballpark pricing.
02. Scott: Review the updates to the wiki page and propose next steps
    for the DITA Users Guide. How do we make it happen?
03. Stan: Contact Kris about current TC engagements with:
    a. PDF processor vendors
04. Stan: Contact Jarno about possible DITA-OT improvements suggested
    by user groups and listening session attendees.
05. Scott: Contact Jarno about DITA-OT improvements in the
    area of key resolution.
06. Keith: Test out the new Adoption Git repos.
07. Scott: Test out the new Adoption Git repos.
08. Stan: Test out the new Adoption Git repos.
09. Keith: Forward updates on our repos
10. Stan: Push CLI stylesheets files to repo. Inform team.
11. Stan: Push badging whitepaper sources to repo as they are ready.
    Inform team.
12. Kathy: Investigate other financial data about localization.
13. Stan: Summarize and distribute issues we found with the base
    TC stylesheets.
14. Gershon: Ramp up drafting a whitepaper on OASIS stylesheet
    integration with Oxygen.
15. Kathy/Stan: Ramp up drafting a whitepaper on OASIS stylesheet
    integration with Framemaker.

1. DITA migration financials (Gershon) 
   > Migration clients - did measure investments (both tools and skills)
   > Gershon - saw ROI ahead of projections
   > Contributors:
     - Localization overhead (hit ROI much more quickly)
     - Reuse % (hit ROI much more quickly) + team productivity
     - Instructional design and writing teams collaborated - driven
       financially to reduce overhead, + single sourcing brought big ROI
   > Tasks coud be written by either team (training or ID) 
     - Stretch goal - feature designers (PMs, Product Owners) could 
       draft descriptions and use a concept topics
     - SMEs contributing as casual contributors = goals

2. DITA User's Guide (Scott)
   >>> Review the roles/tasks for DUG.
   Discussed audiences and skills for the UDG. Posted notes to the wiki site at:
   - https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption/DITA_User_Guide
   The DITA Adoption TC is in the process of creating a DITA User Guide. This 
   guide is designed to address the following audiences:
   * Technical writers: some brand new to DITA and XML, some familiar with 
     structured authoring
   * Technical editors: some brand new to DITA and XML, some familiar with 
     structured authoring
   * Senior writers/ISD: some brand new to DITA and XML, some familiar with 
     structured authoring. Stubbing out the information design and maps. 
     Probably many have deep product knowledge.
   * Conversion specialists: familiar with scripting and tools, XML, but might 
     not know DITA inheritance/hierarchy/specialization/content models
   * Publishing specialists: familiar with style requirements, but might not 
     know the DITA-OT or structures.

3. Whitepaper authoring / stylesheets:
   a. DITA-OT CLI installation and use (Stan)
      > PDF:  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita-adoption/download.php/66664/bookmap_atc_install-tc-stylesheets.pdf
      > Sources:  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita-adoption/download.php/66663/atc_install-tc-stylesheets_02.zip
   b. Oxygen Editor plug-in installation and usage (Gershon)
   c. Framemaker plug-in installation and usage (Kathy - check on the
      possibility of borrowing a CIDM FM license. 
   d. XMLmind plug-in installation and usage (Gershon)
   e. PDF processors -- coordinate discussiuon with DITA TC about approaching
      processor vendors for licenses.
      > Syncro Soft: Chemistry
      > Miramo
      > RenderX
      > Antenna House

4. Document review options (discussion)

5. Whitepaper updates
   a. Review Stan's June 30 email about a DITA conversion
      > Whitepaper check-in a few months
   b. Keith: Continue progress on "How keys should be implemented" 
      whitepaper (Q3).
   c. Keith: Roll the "Future of DITA" presentation into a Spring 2020 
	  AI/Stan - forward to the ATC links to Keith's Boston DITA Users
	     Group presentation on DITA furures. 
   d. Looking ahead: What is the future of DITA/DITA 2.0 (Keith)?
      > What do I need to know to get ready for 2.0? 
      > What should I prep? 
      > What would a typical user/group see as changes?
      > Review in the spring as a possible whitepaper.
   e. Stan: Complete the conversion of the badging whitepaper
      files in Markdown to DITA 1.3.    

6. https://dita.xml.org/ futures
   > Carol Geyer (Oasis) gets complaints about the site being out of date or 
     dysfunctional. She is asking us what we plan to do about it long-term. 
   AI/Keith - review the emails forwarded by Stan and check it out.
7. DITA 2.0 / LwDITA adoption planning
   AI/Gershon (I believe) - brainstorm about topics that should be 
      included in an Adoption whitepaper about "What do I need to do
      to get ready for DITA 2.0?" 
   AI/Stan - Touch base with Zoe about her current outline for the 
      DITA TC Migration Guide. 
   AI/TEAM - Develop a list of questions for vendors about their 
      plans for adopting/supporting DITA 2.0 and LwDITA in 2021.
   AI/Scott - Engage the LwDITA SC about their current plans for 
      developing or supporting a LwDITA Migration Guide.    
      > Is there some automation involved with migrating 
	    DITA 1.3 content to LwDITA?

8. DITA samples development
   a. DITA collections
      The CIDM article on sample DITA collections is at:
      > https://www.infomanagementcenter.com/dita-collections/
   b. Keith:  Spent some more time on the Mitchell airplane manual,
      making the tables accessible. Everything is on my local 
      system at this point.
   c. Scott: Run the MDITA transform when Keith posts the finished 
      B-25 sample work.
   d. Stan: Build out some working content badging samples
      to support the writing in the badging whitepaper (Q3).
      > GitHub: https://github.com/StanDoherty/dita-badges	 

9. Call for participation - opportunities for writing:
   a. All: Discuss developing a separate whitepaper on DITA 1.3 flagging 
      best practices. Include revision marking and PDF changebar 
10. Parking lot items
   a. Review Scott's May 3 email on DITA/LwDITA 1.0 migration strategy.
      > How do we anticipate LwDITA evolutions? 
	  > May need to update as the spec evolves.
      > Keep as an email for now; revisit late this year. 	  
	  > Eventually turn it into a procedure.
	  > Wiki - migration
   b. All: Consider creating some LwDITA versions of the content? 
      Word/GoogleDoc can be converted to MDITA and from there to HDITA. 
	  > Whitepaper - another output type
   c. LwDITA and HTML5 alignment (XDITA)

11. DITA NA planning
    - Scott -- metrics dashboard
    - Stan - conref push 
    - Gershon - next-gen publishing map (pub map) 

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