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Subject: Action Items: OASIS DITA Adoption TC Meeting - 10-06-2020

                 ACTION ITEMS
          OASIS DITA Adoption Meeting
Attendees: Keith, Stan, Kathy, Scott
Regrets:   Gershon

Next meeting: Tuesday, November 3 at 12:00PM/EST
              US National Elections

01. Team: Revisit the notes from our 10-06 LwDITA discussion (see below).

02. Team: Add comments to the DITA User's Guide wiki, especially
         the section on tasks:
          > https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption/DITA_User_Guide
03. Team: Brainstorm - How could we update our sample ATC techpapers and
          samples -> DITA 2.0 and in so doing capture the upgrade 
          costs and issues.
04. Team: Brainstorm - What would an initial list of techpapers on 
          DITA 2.0 subjects look like. 
          > Example: Use intelligent key usage approach as an
            alternative to filtering > DITAVAL profiling (best practice).

01. Stan: Add to November agenda two topics for discussion
    a. How do we identify (and possibly inventory) the most useful tools
	   for groups in a DITA migration?
	b. Can we recommend to groups in a DITA migration sources or approaches
	   to finding very specific tools or solutions. For example, how
	   would a group find a plug-in or tool that would convert inline
	   <xref>s to reltables entries?
02. Stan: Touch base with KrisE and RobertA about the availability of 
    the new OASIS TC stylesheets. 	
03. Gershon: Update Word file on localization financials, convert to wiki,
    and post.
04. Kathy: Ping WHP (Dominique Touche). Perhaps invite them to join
    us for a chat. 
05. Kathy: Ditto for Kit Brown-Hoekstra (STC). 
06. Keith - go through 2019 ConVEx presentations and ask presenters to post
    PPTs to SlideShare c/o Adoption TC. Mitchell B-25 preso.  
07. Stan - Check in with Chet/OASIS on the whitepaper/master 
    nomenclature. Using "techpaper" instead of "whitepaper" 
    in the meantime. 

LwDITA notes/dicussion

1. LwDITA 1.0 is very near feature freeze:
   a. Need a YAML-based map to complete the feature plan.
   b. Based on OASIS DITA 1.3 features/grammar.
   c. Samples/grammars are available now on GitHub:
      > https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita-lwdita/tree/spec

2. Subsequent development for LwDITA 1.x will involve 
   experiments without release commitments. 
3. LwDITA 1.0 will have no spec. LwDITA 2.0 will.

4. How can the Adoption TC help?
   Whitepapers? webinars? listening session? 
   a. Poll user groups and web communities for interest
      and engagement:
	  - DITAwriter
	  - BostonDITA
	  - Doc roundtables (Denver area) Oberon
	  - STC contacts 
   b. Continue to generate content samples in LwDITA
      - XDITA
	  - MDITA - focus
	  - HDITA
   c. Consider tech papers on interoperability:
      - MDITA and Jekyll/Hugo.
	  - XDITA and DITA 1.3. 
	  - MDITA and Swagger / 
   d. Develop How-to docs:
      - Train writers of LwDITA
	  - Set up a LwDITA pilot
	  - Migrate DITA 1.3 content to LwDITA
	  - Interns at Precision Content?
	    > Junior IAs explore
	  - Chatbot input (Microcontent)

5. Monitor tool/vendor adoption. 

6. Start to network with people and/or groups using LwDITA:
   a. Larry Kohler (Arris): https://github.com/larrykollar/DITAdiet
   b. Debbie Femia (Abacus)
   c. John Kadlecek (Jeppesen) - API teams using it
   d. Scott Hudson (ServiceNow)- API team has interest as well
   e. Leigh White (Ixiasoft) - lots of experiences to share

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