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Subject: Agenda: DITA Adoption TC Meeting - 11-03-2020

          DITA Adoption Meeting Agenda 
Stanley Doherty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: OASIS DITA Adoption TC
Time: Nov 3, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
        Every month on the First Tue, until Dec 1, 2020, 2 occurrence(s)
        Nov 3, 2020 12:00 PM
        Dec 1, 2020 12:00 PM
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01. Team: Add comments to the DITA User's Guide wiki, especially
         the section on tasks:
          > https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption/DITA_User_Guide
02. Team: Brainstorm - How could we update our sample ATC whitepapers and
          samples -> DITA 2.0 and in so doing capture the upgrade 
		  costs and issues.
		  > Stan: Refresh and repost the list. 
03. Team: Brainstorm - What would an initial list of whitepapers on 
          DITA 2.0 subjects look like. 
          > Example: Use intelligent key usage approach as an 
		    alternative to filtering > DITAVAL profiling (best practice).

01. Gershon: Update Word file on localization financials, convert to wiki,
    and post.
02. Scott: Review the updates to the wiki page and propose next steps
    for the DITA Users Guide. How do we make it happen?
03. Stan: Contact KrisE about current TC engagements with:
    a. PDF processor vendors
06. Stan: Push CLI stylesheets files to repo. Inform team.
07. Stan: Push badging whitepaper sources to repo as they are ready.
    Inform team.
09. Kathy: Ping WHP (Dominique Touche). Perhaps invite them to join
    us for a chat. INVITE
10. Kathy: Ditto for Kit Brown-Hoekstra (STC). 
11. Kathy/Stan: Set up a meeting to look at stylesheet publishing 
    through Framemaker.

1. DITA migration financials (Gershon) 
   > Migration clients - did measure investments (both tools and skills)
   > Gershon - saw ROI ahead of projections
   > Contributors:
     - Localization overhead (hit ROI much more quickly)
     - Reuse % (hit ROI much more quickly) + team productivity
     - Instructional design and writing teams collaborated - driven
       financially to reduce overhead, + single sourcing brought big ROI
   > Tasks could be written by either team (training or ID) 
     - Stretch goal - feature designers (PMs, Product Owners) could 
       draft descriptions and use a concept topics
     - SMEs contributing as casual contributors = goals

2. DITA User's Guide (Scott)
   >>> Review the roles/tasks for DUG.
   Discussed audiences and skills for the UDG. Posted notes to the wiki site at:
   - https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption/DITA_User_Guide
   The DITA Adoption TC is in the process of creating a DITA User Guide. This 
   guide is designed to address the following audiences:
   * Technical writers: some brand new to DITA and XML, some familiar with 
     structured authoring
   * Technical editors: some brand new to DITA and XML, some familiar with 
     structured authoring
   * Senior writers/ISD: some brand new to DITA and XML, some familiar with 
     structured authoring. Stubbing out the information design and maps. 
     Probably many have deep product knowledge.
   * Conversion specialists: familiar with scripting and tools, XML, but might 
     not know DITA inheritance/hierarchy/specialization/content models
   * Publishing specialists: familiar with style requirements, but might not 
     know the DITA-OT or structures.
   AI/Continue to review and add commnents to wiki.

3. Whitepaper authoring / stylesheets:
   a. DITA-OT CLI installation and use (Stan)
      > PDF:  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita-adoption/download.php/66664/bookmap_atc_install-tc-stylesheets.pdf
      > Sources:  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita-adoption/download.php/66663/atc_install-tc-stylesheets_02.zip
   b. Oxygen Editor plug-in installation and usage (Gershon)
   c. Framemaker plug-in installation and usage (Kathy - check on the
      possibility of borrowing a CIDM FM license. 
   d. XMLmind plug-in installation and usage (Gershon)
   e. PDF processors -- coordinate discussiuon with DITA TC about approaching
      processor vendors for licenses.
      > Syncro Soft: Chemistry
      > Miramo
      > RenderX
      > Antenna House
   f. Tool vendors in support of RNG > DTDs??? 2.0 (once we drop XSD officially) 
      Issues with RNG is implemented w/DITA 1.3.
      - ex. constraints and base elements	  
	  - use case = <li> to contain only <p>; then need to reimplement base elements.
	  - Norm Walsh - whitepaper? on RNG > DTD. DocBook.
	  - AI/Gershon - looking into it, needs Oxygen. 
x. Demonstrable example - create a kit to reproduce the issue. Gershon. 
   AI/Kathy ping Brianna on constraint issues with RNG files. <li> to contain only <p>. 	  

4. Document review options (discussion) ???
   > LwDITA implemented?
5. Whitepaper updates
   a. Review Stan's June 30 email about a DITA conversion
      > Whitepaper check-in a few months
   b. Keith: Continue progress on "How keys should be implemented" 
      whitepaper (Q3).
   c. Keith: Roll the "Future of DITA" presentation into a Spring 2020 
	  AI/Stan - forward to the ATC links to Keith's Boston DITA Users
	     Group presentation on DITA furures. 
   d. Looking ahead: What is the future of DITA/DITA 2.0 (Keith)?
      > What do I need to know to get ready for 2.0? 
      > What should I prep? 
      > What would a typical user/group see as changes?
      > Review in the spring as a possible whitepaper.
   e. Stan: Complete the conversion of the badging whitepaper
      files in Markdown to DITA 1.3.    

6. https://dita.xml.org/ futures
   > Carol Geyer (Oasis) gets complaints about the site being out of date or 
     dysfunctional. She is asking us what we plan to do about it long-term. 
   AI/Keith - review the emails forwarded by Stan and check it out.
7. DITA 2.0 / LwDITA adoption planning
   Recap opportunities and action items form the meeting with Carlos last month.

8. DITA samples development
   a. DITA collections
      The CIDM article on sample DITA collections is at:
      > https://www.infomanagementcenter.com/dita-collections/
   b. Stan: Build out some working content badging samples
      to support the writing in the badging whitepaper (Q3).
      > GitHub: https://github.com/StanDoherty/dita-badges	 

9. Call for participation - opportunities for writing/coding:
   a. All: Discuss developing a separate whitepaper on DITA 1.3 flagging 
      best practices. Include revision marking and PDF changebar 
   b. Tooling to convert inline <xref>s to reltable entries?
   c. Oxygen blog/refactoring script
   d. Reuse and conversion tab
   e. Post to Oxygen? Radu? 

Recommended tools for migration . . . 
10. Parking lot items
   a. Review Scott's May 3 email on DITA/LwDITA 1.0 migration strategy.
      > How do we anticipate LwDITA evolutions? 
	  > May need to update as the spec evolves.
      > Keep as an email for now; revisit late this year. 	  
	  > Eventually turn it into a procedure.
	  > Wiki - migration
   b. All: Consider creating some LwDITA versions of the content? 
      Word/GoogleDoc can be converted to MDITA and from there to HDITA. 
	  > Whitepaper - another output type
   c. LwDITA and HTML5 alignment (XDITA)
   d. Think about 2.0 docs
   e. Reach out to vendors as ATC for answering questions and testing. 
   f. Updating ATC whitepapers and samples -> 2.0 will provide data on upgrade costs and issues.
      > Use intelligent key usage approach to filtering > DITAVAL profiling (best practice)
	  > Potential whitepaper on keys > DITAVALs (Gerson?, Keith?)
   g. Probably have multiple whitepapers on 2.0 subjects. Line 'em up and knock 'em down. 

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